Nurses' application of the components of family nursing conversations in home health care: a qualitative content analysis.

Susanne Broekema, Wolter Paans, Petrie F Roodbol, Marie Louise A Luttik
Author Information
  1. Susanne Broekema: Research Group Nursing Diagnostics, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, the Netherlands. ORCID
  2. Wolter Paans: Research Group Nursing Diagnostics, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, the Netherlands.
  3. Petrie F Roodbol: Research Group Nursing Diagnostics, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, the Netherlands.
  4. Marie Louise A Luttik: Research Group Nursing Diagnostics, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, the Netherlands.


AIM: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses apply the components of family nursing conversations in their home healthcare practice.
METHOD: A qualitative content analysis with a deductive approach was conducted. Home healthcare nurses conducted family nursing conversations with families from their practice. Families were selected based on three nursing diagnoses: risk of caregiver role strain, caregiver role strain or interrupted family processes. Nurses audio-recorded each conversation and completed a written reflection form afterwards. Transcripts of the audio-recorded conversations were analysed in Atlas.ti 8.0 to come to descriptions of how nurses applied each component. Nurses' reflections on their application were integrated in the descriptions.
RESULTS: A total of 17 conversations were audio-recorded. The application of each component was described as well as nurses' reflections on their application. Nurses altered or omitted components due to their clinical judgment of families' needs in specific situations, due to needs for adjustment of components in the transfer from theory to practice or due to limited skill or self-confidence.
CONCLUSION: All of the components were applied in a cohesive manner. Nurses' application of the components demonstrates that clinical judgment is important in applying them. Further training or experience may be required to optimise nurses' skill and self-confidence in applying the components. This study demonstrates the applicability of the family nursing conversations components in home health care, allowing exploration of the working mechanisms and benefits of family nursing conversations for families involved in long-term caregiving in future studies.



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  1. /Menzis (Dutch health care insurance company)
  2. /Center of expertise healthy ageing, Hanze University of Applied Sciences

MeSH Term

Family Nursing
Home Care Services
Middle Aged
Nurse-Patient Relations
Professional-Family Relations
Qualitative Research

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0familynursingcomponentsconversationsapplicationhomenursespracticequalitativecontentanalysisaudio-recordedNurses'studyhealthcareconductedfamiliescaregiverrolestrainNursesconversationdescriptionsappliedcomponentreflectionsclinicaljudgmentneedsskillself-confidencedemonstratesapplyinghealthcareAIM:purposedescribeapplyMETHOD:deductiveapproachHomeFamiliesselectedbasedthreediagnoses:riskinterruptedprocessescompletedwrittenreflectionformafterwardsTranscriptsanalysedAtlasti80comeintegratedRESULTS:total17describedwellas nurses'alteredomittedduefamilies'specificsituations dueadjustmenttransfertheoryor duelimitedCONCLUSION:cohesivemannerimportanttrainingexperiencemayrequiredoptimisenurses'applicabilityallowingexplorationworkingmechanismsbenefitsinvolvedlong-termcaregivingfuturestudiescare:caregiversinterventionsystems

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