Splenius capitis: sensitive target for the cVEMP in older and neurodegenerative patients.

Fatema Mohammed Ali, Martin Westling, Luke Hong Lu Zhao, Brian D Corneil, Aaron J Camp
Author Information
  1. Fatema Mohammed Ali: Discipline of Biomedical Science, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  2. Martin Westling: The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Linkoping University, Linköping, Sweden.
  3. Luke Hong Lu Zhao: Discipline of Biomedical Science, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  4. Brian D Corneil: Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada.
  5. Aaron J Camp: Discipline of Biomedical Science, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia. aaron.camp@sydney.edu.au. ORCID


BACKGROUND: The vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) is a technique used to assess vestibular function. Cervical VEMPs (cVEMPs) are obtained conventionally from the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle; however, the dorsal neck muscle splenius capitis (SPL) has also been shown to be a reliable target alongside the SCM in young subjects.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare cVEMPs from the SCM and SPL in two positions across young, older, and Parkinson's disease (PD) patients.
METHOD: Experiments were carried out using surface EMG electrodes placed over the SCM and SPL. cVEMPs were measured using a 30 s, 126 dB sound stimulus with 222 individual tone bursts, while subjects were in a supine and head-turned posture (also known as the head elevation method), and in a seated head-turned posture.
RESULTS: When comparing cVEMPs across positions, the incidence of supine and seated SCM-cVEMPs diminished significantly in older and PD patients in comparison with young subjects. However, no statistically significant differences in incidences were found in seated SPL-cVEMPs when comparing young, older and PD patients. SPL-cVEMPs were present significantly more often than seated SCM-cVEMPs in PD patients.
CONCLUSIONS: SPL-cVEMPs are not altered to the same extent that SCM-cVEMPs are by aging and disease and its addition to cVEMP testing may reduce false-positive tests for vestibulopathy.



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MeSH Term

Age Factors
Aged, 80 and over
Case-Control Studies
Middle Aged
Neck Muscles
Paraspinal Muscles
Parkinson Disease
Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials
Young Adult

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0patientscVEMPsSCMyoungolderPDseatedvestibularSPLsubjectsSCM-cVEMPsSPL-cVEMPsevokedmyogenicpotentialCervicalmusclecapitisalsotargetpositionsacrossdiseaseusingsupinehead-turnedposturecomparingsignificantlycVEMPSpleniusBACKGROUND:VEMPtechniqueusedassessfunctionVEMPsobtainedconventionallysternocleidomastoidhoweverdorsalneckspleniusshownreliablealongsideOBJECTIVE:studyaimedcomparetwoParkinson'sMETHOD:ExperimentscarriedsurfaceEMGelectrodesplacedmeasured30 s126 dBsoundstimulus222individualtoneburstsknownheadelevationmethodRESULTS:incidencediminishedcomparisonHoweverstatisticallysignificantdifferencesincidencesfoundpresentoftenCONCLUSIONS:alteredextentagingadditiontestingmayreducefalse-positivetestsvestibulopathycapitis:sensitiveneurodegenerativeSternocleidomastoid

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