A predictive spatio-temporal model for bovine Babesiosis epidemic transmission.

Mezouaghi Abdelheq, Omar Belhamiti, Leila Bouzid, Deccy Y Trejos, Jose C Valverde
Author Information
  1. Mezouaghi Abdelheq: Department of Mathematics, Hassiba Benbouali University, Chlef 02000, Algeria. Electronic address: mezouaghi0048@hotmail.com.
  2. Omar Belhamiti: Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Abdelhamid Ben Badis University, Mostaganem 27000, Algeria. Electronic address: omar.belhamiti@univ-mosta.dz.
  3. Leila Bouzid: Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Abdelhamid Ben Badis University, Mostaganem 27000, Algeria. Electronic address: leila.bouzid@univ-mosta.dz.
  4. Deccy Y Trejos: Faculty of Science and Education, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia. Electronic address: dytrejosa@udistrital.edu.co.
  5. Jose C Valverde: Department of Mathematics, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete 02071, Spain. Electronic address: jose.valverde@uclm.es.


The main purpose of this paper is to analyze a new dynamical model pertaining to bovine Babesiosis transmission, and investigate its consequent morphology. We present and study various ramifications of our mathematical model for bovine Babesiosis spread, given, firstly, by a temporal system of ordinary differential equations and, finally, by a spatio-temporal system consisting of reaction-diffusion equations. Diffusion terms are incorporated into the model, using specific derivations for both infected ticks and infected bovines. Furthermore, mechanisms for the nearest neighbors' infection are integrated into the model. We determine mathematically the basic reproduction number R via the next-generation matrix. Then, we analyze the stability of the equilibria and the effects of the mobility of infectious agents, being they either ticks or bovines. Finally, model-based analytical-numerical results are obtained and displayed in graphical profiles. The results of the proposed model and the health ramifications are then raised, discussed and validated.


MeSH Term

Cattle Diseases
Computer Simulation
Models, Biological
Spatio-Temporal Analysis

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0modelBabesiosisbovineequationsanalyzetransmissionramificationssystemspatio-temporalinfectedticksbovinesmobilityresultsmainpurposepapernewdynamicalpertaininginvestigateconsequentmorphologypresentstudyvariousmathematicalspreadgivenfirstlytemporalordinarydifferentialfinallyconsistingreaction-diffusionDiffusiontermsincorporatedusingspecificderivationsFurthermoremechanismsnearestneighbors'infectionintegrateddeterminemathematicallybasicreproductionnumberRvianext-generationmatrixstabilityequilibriaeffectsinfectiousagentseitherFinallymodel-basedanalytical-numericalobtaineddisplayedgraphicalprofilesproposedhealthraiseddiscussedvalidatedpredictiveepidemicdiseaseBovineReaction-diffusionSpatio-temporal

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