Drama Therapy Counseling as Mental Health Care of College Students.

Wen-Lung Chang, Yu-Shiuan Liu, Cheng-Fu Yang
Author Information
  1. Wen-Lung Chang: Nanning Normal University; School of Education Science; Nanning 530001, China. jw2008c@hotmail.com. ORCID
  2. Yu-Shiuan Liu: Fujian Normal University; School of Psychology; Fuzhou 350117, China. ziyaliu@hotmail.com.
  3. Cheng-Fu Yang: National University of Kaohsiung; Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Kaohsiung 811, Taiwan. cfyang@nuk.edu.tw.


(1) Background: This study aims to apply drama therapy to a counseling group to address the mental health problems of college students in Taiwan due to the increasingly serious psychological problems that have happened in recent times. Based on the healing factors in drama therapy, we applied such therapy activities to four counseling groups composed of 12 high-risk students from Taiwan. (2) Methods: "Questionnaire-based assessment, participant self-assessment and participant attitude assessment" methods were used to evaluate the six mental health indicators of the participants in the evaluation of drama therapy's effect and the groups' pre-test and post-test (the first group and the last group). The six indicators were self-awareness, self-expression, interpersonal and communication skills, self-cognitive reconstruction ability, social role ability, and decision-making ability. Data were collected and assessed for the frequencies and percentages of each indicator item. Sets of paired-samples t-tests, independent t-tests, and two-way repeated measures ANOVAs were employed to evaluate the different designs. (3) Results: The results revealed that drama therapy could deliver significantly positive effects for and improve the six mental health indicators of the participants. Males' self-awareness and decision-making actions were more positively affected than females. (4) Conclusions: The study helps to provide a path of establishing the mental health module of drama therapy in the education sector in Taiwan.



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MeSH Term

Decision Making
Mental Health
Social Skills
Surveys and Questionnaires
Young Adult

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0therapydramamentalhealthgroupcounselingTaiwansixindicatorsabilitystudyproblemscollegestudentsparticipantevaluateparticipantsself-awarenessdecision-makingt-testsDrama1Background:aimsapplyaddressdueincreasinglyseriouspsychologicalhappenedrecenttimesBasedhealingfactorsappliedactivitiesfourgroupscomposed12high-risk2Methods:"Questionnaire-basedassessmentself-assessmentattitudeassessment"methodsusedevaluationtherapy'seffectgroups'pre-testpost-testfirstlastself-expressioninterpersonalcommunicationskillsself-cognitivereconstructionsocialroleDatacollectedassessedfrequenciespercentagesindicatoritemSetspaired-samplesindependenttwo-wayrepeatedmeasuresANOVAsemployeddifferentdesigns3Results:resultsrevealeddeliversignificantlypositiveeffectsimproveMales'actionspositivelyaffectedfemales4Conclusions:helpsprovidepathestablishingmoduleeducationsectorTherapyCounselingMentalHealthCareCollegeStudentsstudent

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