Genetic Counseling and the Central Tenets of Practice.

Barbara Biesecker
Author Information
  1. Barbara Biesecker: RTI International, Washington, D.C. 20005, USA.


Genetic counseling is a profession growing and evolving at an extraordinary rate. This growth is driven by an explosion in what we know, as a result of progress in science, technology, and bioinformatics, and an explosion in what we do not know, as we strive to understand the impact of genomic information on the lives of our patients and clients. Genetic counselors work in an increasing number of subspecialties and diversity of settings. But although the field has evolved, it has maintained a remarkably unchanged core of shared values and beliefs. The heart of genetic counseling practice is the therapeutic relationship, with its dual role of providing information and facilitating assimilation of that information to personalize health-related decision-making and foster successful adaptation. Genetic counseling aims to communicate cutting-edge genomic science within an empathic understanding of the client/patient's concerns and needs. In pursuit of these goals, further assessment of genetic counseling's effectiveness is needed to facilitate evidence-based practices and to scale counseling resources.


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MeSH Term

Genetic Counseling
Models, Theoretical
Outcome Assessment, Health Care
Professional-Patient Relations

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0Geneticcounselinginformationexplosionknowsciencegenomicgeneticprofessiongrowingevolvingextraordinaryrategrowthdrivenresultprogresstechnologybioinformaticsstriveunderstandimpactlivespatientsclientscounselorsworkincreasingnumbersubspecialtiesdiversitysettingsalthoughfieldevolvedmaintainedremarkablyunchangedcoresharedvaluesbeliefsheartpracticetherapeuticrelationshipdualroleprovidingfacilitatingassimilationpersonalizehealth-relateddecision-makingfostersuccessfuladaptationaimscommunicatecutting-edgewithinempathicunderstandingclient/patient'sconcernsneedspursuitgoalsassessmentcounseling'seffectivenessneededfacilitateevidence-basedpracticesscaleresourcesCounselingCentralTenetsPractice

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