Efficient RNP-directed Human Gene Targeting Reveals SPDEF Is Required for IL-13-induced Mucostasis.

Kyung Duk Koh, Sana Siddiqui, Dan Cheng, Luke R Bonser, Dingyuan I Sun, Lorna T Zlock, Walter E Finkbeiner, Prescott G Woodruff, David J Erle
Author Information
  1. Kyung Duk Koh: Lung Biology Center. ORCID
  2. Sana Siddiqui: Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep, and Allergy, and.
  3. Dan Cheng: Lung Biology Center.
  4. Luke R Bonser: Lung Biology Center.
  5. Dingyuan I Sun: Department of Pathology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California; and.
  6. Lorna T Zlock: Department of Pathology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California; and.
  7. Walter E Finkbeiner: Department of Pathology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California; and.
  8. Prescott G Woodruff: Cardiovascular Research Institute.
  9. David J Erle: Lung Biology Center. ORCID


Primary human bronchial epithelial cell (HBEC) cultures are a useful model for studies of lung health and major airway diseases. However, mechanistic studies have been limited by our ability to selectively disrupt specific genes in these cells. Here we optimize methods for gene targeting in HBECs by direct delivery of single guide RNA (sgRNA) and rCas9 (recombinant Cas9) complexes by electroporation, without a requirement for plasmids, viruses, or antibiotic selection. Variations in the method of delivery, sgRNA and rCas9 concentrations, and sgRNA sequences all had effects on targeting efficiency, allowing for predictable control of the extent of gene targeting and for near-complete disruption of gene expression. To demonstrate the value of this system, we targeted , which encodes a transcription factor previously shown to be essential for the differentiation of MUC5AC-producing goblet cells in mouse models of asthma. Targeting led to proportional decreases in expression in HBECs stimulated with IL-13, a central mediator of allergic asthma. Near-complete targeting of abolished IL-13-induced expression and goblet cell differentiation. In addition, targeting of prevented IL-13-induced impairment of mucociliary clearance, which is likely to be an important contributor to airway obstruction, morbidity, and mortality in asthma. We conclude that direct delivery of sgRNA and rCas9 complexes allows for predictable and efficient gene targeting and enables mechanistic studies of disease-relevant pathways in primary HBECs.



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  1. P01 HL107202/NHLBI NIH HHS
  2. K24 HL137013/NHLBI NIH HHS
  3. U19 AI077439/NIAID NIH HHS
  4. R01 HL138424/NHLBI NIH HHS
  5. R35 HL145235/NHLBI NIH HHS
  6. P30 DK072517/NIDDK NIH HHS

MeSH Term

CRISPR-Cas Systems
Cells, Cultured
Epithelial Cells
Gene Expression Regulation
Gene Targeting
Goblet Cells
Mucin 5AC
Mucociliary Clearance
Primary Cell Culture
Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-ets
RNA, Guide, CRISPR-Cas Systems


IL13 protein, human
MUC5AC protein, human
Mucin 5AC
Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-ets
RNA, Guide, CRISPR-Cas Systems
SPDEF protein, human

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0targetinggenesgRNAstudiescellsHBECsdeliveryrCas9expressiongobletasthmaIL-13-inducedhumanbronchialepithelialcellairwaymechanisticdirectcomplexespredictabledifferentiationTargetingSPDEFPrimaryHBECculturesusefulmodellunghealthmajordiseasesHoweverlimitedabilityselectivelydisruptspecificgenesoptimizemethodssingleguideRNArecombinantCas9electroporationwithoutrequirementplasmidsvirusesantibioticselectionVariationsmethodconcentrationssequenceseffectsefficiencyallowingcontrolextentnear-completedisruptiondemonstratevaluesystemtargetedencodestranscriptionfactorpreviouslyshownessentialMUC5AC-producingmousemodelsledproportionaldecreasesstimulatedIL-13centralmediatorallergicNear-completeabolishedadditionpreventedimpairmentmucociliaryclearancelikelyimportantcontributorobstructionmorbiditymortalityconcludeallowsefficientenablesdisease-relevantpathwaysprimaryEfficientRNP-directedHumanGeneRevealsRequiredMucostasisCRISPRMUC5AC

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