[The nurse's role in urologic robotic surgery].

A Pograjec, J Hubert
Author Information
  1. A Pograjec: IBODE service d'urologie, CHU de Rennes, 2, rue Henri-Le-Guilloux, 35033 Rennes cedex 09, France. Electronic address: antoine.pograjec@chu-rennes.fr.
  2. J Hubert: Service d'urologie, hôpitaux de Brabois, CHRU de Nancy, rue du Morvan, 54511 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy cedex, France. Electronic address: j.hubert@chru-nancy.fr.


INTRODUCTION: Growing robotic surgery requires new skills for OR professionals. In the heart of the robotic surgery team, the Operating Room nurse has a preponderant role whether circulating, scrub nurse or surgical assistant. How does the OR robotic nurse train? Beyond the technique, what does robotic imply in the OR?
METHOD: Analysis of the literature with the terms "scrub nurse" and "robotic surgery" in the PUBMED search engine, and exchanges with OR nurses involved in robotic surgery.
RESULTS: The definition of the different OR nurses' roles in robotic surgery shows specific skills to acquire. OR nurses' training is heterogeneous. Communication in the OR is a major stake in robotic surgery.
CONCLUSION: Mastery of the robotic tool is essential and the expertise of the OR nurses must be sought to ensure a safe care of patients. Communication appears to be one of the major issues. OR staff training should be standardized, such as regular practice. OR nurses' work is evolving with technique.


MeSH Term

Nurse's Role
Robotic Surgical Procedures
Urologic Surgical Procedures

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0roboticORsurgerynursenurses'CommunicationskillsroletechniquenursestrainingmajorINTRODUCTION:GrowingrequiresnewprofessionalsheartteamOperatingRoompreponderantwhethercirculatingscrubsurgicalassistanttrain?BeyondimplyOR?METHOD:Analysisliteratureterms"scrubnurse""roboticsurgery"PUBMEDsearchengineexchangesinvolvedRESULTS:definitiondifferentrolesshowsspecificacquireheterogeneousstakeCONCLUSION:Masterytoolessentialexpertisemustsoughtensuresafecarepatientsappearsoneissuesstaffstandardizedregularpracticeworkevolving[Thenurse'surologicsurgery]ChirurgierobotiqueCompétencesFormationIBODEPeri-operativeRoboticScrub-nurseSkillsTrainingUrologieUrology

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