INTRODUCTION: Growing robotic surgery requires new skills for OR professionals. In the heart of the robotic surgery team, the Operating Room nurse has a preponderant role whether circulating, scrub nurse or surgical assistant. How does the OR robotic nurse train? Beyond the technique, what does robotic imply in the OR?
METHOD: Analysis of the literature with the terms "scrub nurse" and "robotic surgery" in the PUBMED search engine, and exchanges with OR nurses involved in robotic surgery.
RESULTS: The definition of the different OR nurses' roles in robotic surgery shows specific skills to acquire. OR nurses' training is heterogeneous. Communication in the OR is a major stake in robotic surgery.
CONCLUSION: Mastery of the robotic tool is essential and the expertise of the OR nurses must be sought to ensure a safe care of patients. Communication appears to be one of the major issues. OR staff training should be standardized, such as regular practice. OR nurses' work is evolving with technique.