RETRACTED: CGVD: a genomic variation database for Chinese populations.

Jingyao Zeng, Na Yuan, Junwei Zhu, Mengyu Pan, Hao Zhang, Qi Wang, Shuo Shi, Zhenglin Du, Jingfa Xiao
Author Information
  1. Jingyao Zeng: National Genomics Data Center, Beijing 100101, China.
  2. Na Yuan: National Genomics Data Center, Beijing 100101, China.
  3. Junwei Zhu: National Genomics Data Center, Beijing 100101, China.
  4. Mengyu Pan: National Genomics Data Center, Beijing 100101, China.
  5. Hao Zhang: National Genomics Data Center, Beijing 100101, China.
  6. Qi Wang: National Genomics Data Center, Beijing 100101, China.
  7. Shuo Shi: National Genomics Data Center, Beijing 100101, China.
  8. Zhenglin Du: National Genomics Data Center, Beijing 100101, China.
  9. Jingfa Xiao: National Genomics Data Center, Beijing 100101, China.


Precision medicine calls upon deeper coverage of population-based sequencing and thorough gene-content and phenotype-based analysis, which lead to a population-associated genomic variation map or database. The Chinese Genomic Variation Database (CGVD; is such a database that has combined 48.30 million (M) SNVs and 5.77 M small indels, identified from 991 Chinese individuals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Precision Medicine Initiative Project (CASPMI) and 301 Chinese individuals of the 1000 Genomes Project (1KGP). The CASPMI project includes whole-genome sequencing data (WGS, 25-30×) from ∼1000 healthy individuals of the CASPMI cohort. To facilitate the usage of such variations for pharmacogenomics studies, star-allele frequencies of the drug-related genes in the CASPMI and 1KGP populations are calculated and provided in CGVD. As one of the important database resources in BIG Data Center, CGVD will continue to collect more genomic variations and to curate structural and functional annotations to support population-based healthcare projects and studies in China and worldwide.

Links to CNCB-NGDC Resources

Database Commons: DBC006335 (CGVD)

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0ChinesedatabaseCASPMIgenomicCGVDindividualsPrecisionpopulation-basedsequencingvariationMProject1KGPvariationsstudiespopulationsmedicinecallsupondeepercoveragethoroughgene-contentphenotype-basedanalysisleadpopulation-associatedmapGenomicVariationDatabasehttps://bigdbigaccn/cgvd/combined4830millionSNVs577smallindelsidentified991AcademySciencesMedicineInitiative3011000Genomesprojectincludeswhole-genomedataWGS25-30×∼1000healthycohortfacilitateusagepharmacogenomicsstar-allelefrequenciesdrug-relatedgenescalculatedprovidedoneimportantresourcesBIGDataCenterwillcontinuecollectcuratestructuralfunctionalannotationssupporthealthcareprojectsChinaworldwideRETRACTED:CGVD:

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