Biomarkers that differentiate false positive urinalyses from true urinary tract infection.

Nader Shaikh, Judith M Martin, Alejandro Hoberman, Megan Skae, Linette Milkovich, Christi McElheny, Robert W Hickey, Lucine V Gabriel, Diana H Kearney, Massoud Majd, Eglal Shalaby-Rana, George Tseng, Jay Kolls, William Horne, Zhiguang Huo, Timothy R Shope
Author Information
  1. Nader Shaikh: Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA.
  2. Judith M Martin: Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA.
  3. Alejandro Hoberman: Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA.
  4. Megan Skae: Division of General Academic Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, One Children's Hospital Drive, 4401 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15224, USA.
  5. Linette Milkovich: Division of General Academic Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, One Children's Hospital Drive, 4401 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15224, USA.
  6. Christi McElheny: Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
  7. Robert W Hickey: Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA.
  8. Lucine V Gabriel: Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA.
  9. Diana H Kearney: Division of General Academic Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, One Children's Hospital Drive, 4401 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15224, USA.
  10. Massoud Majd: Children's National Health System, Washington, USA.
  11. Eglal Shalaby-Rana: Children's National Health System, Washington, USA.
  12. George Tseng: Department of Biostatistics, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
  13. Jay Kolls: Tulane School of Medicine, New Orleans, PA, USA.
  14. William Horne: Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA.
  15. Zhiguang Huo: Department of Biostatistics, Biostatistics, College of Public Health & Health Professions and College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.
  16. Timothy R Shope: Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA.


BACKGROUND: The specificity of the leukocyte esterase test (87%) is suboptimal. The objective of this study was to identify more specific screening tests that could reduce the number of children who unnecessarily receive antimicrobials to treat a presumed urinary tract infection (UTI).
METHODS: Prospective cross-sectional study to compare inflammatory proteins in blood and urine samples collected at the time of a presumptive diagnosis of UTI. We also evaluated serum RNA expression in a subset.
RESULTS: We enrolled 200 children; of these, 89 were later demonstrated not to have a UTI based on the results of the urine culture obtained. Urinary proteins that best discriminated between children with UTI and no UTI were involved in T cell response proliferation (IL-9, IL-2), chemoattractants (CXCL12, CXCL1, CXCL8), the cytokine/interferon pathway (IL-13, IL-2, INF��), or involved in innate immunity (NGAL). The predictive power (as measured by the area under the curve) of a combination of four urinary markers (IL-2, IL-9, IL-8, and NGAL) was 0.94. Genes in the pathways related to inflammation were also upregulated in serum of children with UTI.
CONCLUSIONS: Urinary proteins involved in the inflammatory response may be useful in identifying children with false positive results with current screening tests for UTI; this may reduce unnecessary treatment.



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  1. R21 DK088672/NIDDK NIH HHS
  2. 1R21 DK88672/NIDDK NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Child, Preschool
False Positive Reactions
Infant, Newborn
Sensitivity and Specificity
Urinary Tract Infections



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0UTIchildrenurinaryproteinsinvolvedIL-2studyscreeningtestsreducetractinfectioninflammatoryurinealsoserumresultsUrinaryresponseIL-9NGALmayfalsepositiveBACKGROUND:specificityleukocyteesterasetest87%suboptimalobjectiveidentifyspecificnumberunnecessarilyreceiveantimicrobialstreatpresumedMETHODS:Prospectivecross-sectionalcomparebloodsamplescollectedtimepresumptivediagnosisevaluatedRNAexpressionsubsetRESULTS:enrolled20089laterdemonstratedbasedcultureobtainedbestdiscriminatedTcellproliferationchemoattractantsCXCL12CXCL1CXCL8cytokine/interferonpathwayIL-13INF��innateimmunitypredictivepowermeasuredareacurvecombinationfourmarkersIL-8094GenespathwaysrelatedinflammationupregulatedCONCLUSIONS:usefulidentifyingcurrentunnecessarytreatmentBiomarkersdifferentiateurinalysestrueCalculatorDiagnosticaccuracyPredictionruleRisk

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