Mar��a F Garc��a, Romina Nu��ez Favre, Mar��a C Stornelli, Ramiro Rearte, Mar��a C Garc��a Mitacek, Rodolfo L de la Sota, Mar��a A Stornelli
OBJECTIVES: The current study aimed to evaluate the relationship between specific seminal plasma components - cholesterol (CHOL), triacylglycerols (TAG) and total protein (PROT) concentrations - and semen quality in cats. A further aim was to determine the relationship between specific seminal protein bands and semen quality.
METHODS: Thirteen toms, 2-5 years of age, were included. Semen collection was performed by electroejaculation every 4 weeks. Fifty-eight ejaculates were assessed for motility, velocity, volume, sperm concentration, total sperm count, viability, acrosome integrity, plasma membrane integrity and sperm morphology. Samples were divided into two groups: good semen quality (GSQ) and poor semen quality (PSQ). After evaluation, seminal plasma was separated from the sperm by centrifugation and stored at -20��C. CHOL, TAG and PROT concentrations were then assessed and seminal plasma protein profile was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).
RESULTS: Seminal plasma CHOL and TAG concentrations, motility, velocity, sperm concentration, total sperm count and sperm morphology were significantly higher in GSQ cats compared with PSQ cats ( <0.01). Moreover, seminal plasma SDS-PAGE analysis showed an identifiable extra band exclusively in the GSQ group.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Data obtained in this study showed that seminal plasma CHOL and TAG concentrations and specific protein bands could be used to improve semen evaluation in toms. In this sense, the 14 kDa protein band could be a valuable marker for semen quality in the cat and should be further investigated. However, more studies are necessary to determine its relationship with fertility.