Isolation and Characterization of Airborne Mushroom Damaging spp. from Indoor Air of Cultivation Houses Used for Oak Wood Mushroom Production Using Sawdust Media.

Jun Young Kim, Hyuk Woo Kwon, Dong Hyeung Lee, Han Kyu Ko, Seong Hwan Kim
Author Information
  1. Jun Young Kim: Department of Microbiology and Institute of Basic Sciences, Dankook University, Cheonan 31116, Korea.
  2. Hyuk Woo Kwon: Department of Microbiology and Institute of Basic Sciences, Dankook University, Cheonan 31116, Korea.
  3. Dong Hyeung Lee: Department of Microbiology and Institute of Basic Sciences, Dankook University, Cheonan 31116, Korea.
  4. Han Kyu Ko: Forest Mushroom Research Center, National Forest Cooperative Federation, Yeoju 12653, Korea.
  5. Seong Hwan Kim: Department of Microbiology and Institute of Basic Sciences, Dankook University, Cheonan 31116, Korea.


Some species of the genus are reported as the major problem in oak wood mushroom production in Korea. In spite of economic loss by the fungi, scientific information on airborne species is not much available. To generate information for disease management development we analyzed airborne . A total of 1,063 fungal isolates were purely obtained from indoor air sampling of cultivation houses used for oak wood mushroom using sawdust media. Among the obtained isolates, 248 isolates were identified as fungi including , , , and , by morphological and molecular analysis. was dominant among the four identified species. All the four species grew fast on solid nutrient media tested (potato dextrose agar [PDA], malt extract agar [MEA], Czapek's Dox + yeast extract agar [CYA] and cornmeal dextrose agar). Compact mycelia growth and mass spore production were better on PDA and CYA. In addition, and formed greenish and yellowish mycelium and spores on PDA and CYA. Greenish and yellowish pigment was saturated into PDA only by . These four species could produce extracellular enzymes of sawdust substrate degradation such as β-glucosidase, avicelase, CM-cellulase, amylase, pectinase, xylanase, and protease. Their mycelia inhibited the growth of oak wood mushroom mycelia of two tested cultivars on dual culture assay. Among of eleven antifungal agents tested, benomyl was the best to inhibit the growth of the four species. Our results demonstrate that the airborne fungi need to be properly managed in the cultivation houses for safe mushroom production.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0speciesmushroomoakwoodfouragarproductionfungiairborneisolatestestedmyceliagrowthPDAinformationdiseaseobtainedindooraircultivationhousessawdustmediaAmongidentifieddextroseextractCYAyellowishMushroomsppgenusreportedmajorproblemKoreaspiteeconomiclossscientificmuchavailablegeneratemanagementdevelopmentanalyzedtotal1063fungalpurelysamplingusedusing248includingmorphologicalmolecularanalysisdominantamonggrewfastsolidnutrientpotato[PDA]malt[MEA]Czapek'sDox+yeast[CYA]cornmealCompactmasssporebetteradditionformedgreenishmyceliumsporesGreenishpigmentsaturatedproduceextracellularenzymessubstratedegradationβ-glucosidaseavicelaseCM-cellulaseamylasepectinasexylanaseproteaseinhibitedtwocultivarsdualcultureassayelevenantifungalagentsbenomylbestinhibitresultsdemonstrateneedproperlymanagedsafeIsolationCharacterizationAirborneDamagingIndoorAirCultivationHousesUsedOakWoodProductionUsingSawdustMediaTrichodermagreenmoldpathogenicity

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