Reference-based multiple imputation for missing data sensitivity analyses in trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis.

Baptiste Leurent, Manuel Gomes, Suzie Cro, Nicola Wiles, James R Carpenter
Author Information
  1. Baptiste Leurent: Department of Medical Statistics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK. ORCID
  2. Manuel Gomes: Department of Applied Health Research, University College London, London, UK. ORCID
  3. Suzie Cro: Imperial Clinical Trials Unit, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, London, UK. ORCID
  4. Nicola Wiles: Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. ORCID
  5. James R Carpenter: Department of Medical Statistics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.


Missing data are a common issue in cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) alongside randomised trials and are often addressed assuming the data are 'missing at random'. However, this assumption is often questionable, and sensitivity analyses are required to assess the implications of departures from missing at random. Reference-based multiple imputation provides an attractive approach for conducting such sensitivity analyses, because missing data assumptions are framed in an intuitive way by making reference to other trial arms. For example, a plausible not at random mechanism in a placebo-controlled trial would be to assume that participants in the experimental arm who dropped out stop taking their treatment and have similar outcomes to those in the placebo arm. Drawing on the increasing use of this approach in other areas, this paper aims to extend and illustrate the reference-based multiple imputation approach in CEA. It introduces the principles of reference-based imputation and proposes an extension to the CEA context. The method is illustrated in the CEA of the CoBalT trial evaluating cognitive behavioural therapy for treatment-resistant depression. Stata code is provided. We find that reference-based multiple imputation provides a relevant and accessible framework for assessing the robustness of CEA conclusions to different missing data assumptions.



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  1. 06/404/02/Department of Health
  2. DRF-2015-08-047/Department of Health
  3. MC_UU_12023/21/Medical Research Council
  4. DRF-12437/National Institute for Health Research

MeSH Term

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Data Interpretation, Statistical
Depressive Disorder, Treatment-Resistant
Models, Statistical
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
Research Design

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0imputationdatamissingCEAmultipleanalysissensitivitytrialreference-basedcost-effectivenessanalysesrandomapproachrandomisedoftenReference-basedprovidesassumptionsarmMissingcommonissuealongsidetrialsaddressedassuming'missingrandom'Howeverassumptionquestionablerequiredassessimplicationsdeparturesattractiveconductingframedintuitivewaymakingreferencearmsexampleplausiblemechanismplacebo-controlledassumeparticipantsexperimentaldroppedstoptakingtreatmentsimilaroutcomesplaceboDrawingincreasinguseareaspaperaimsextendillustrateintroducesprinciplesproposesextensioncontextmethodillustratedCoBalTevaluatingcognitivebehaviouraltherapytreatment-resistantdepressionStatacodeprovidedfindrelevantaccessibleframeworkassessingrobustnessconclusionsdifferenttrial-basedcontrolled

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