The context of chest beating and hand clapping in wild western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla).

Roberta Salmi, Maria Muñoz
Author Information
  1. Roberta Salmi: Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia, Athens, USA. ORCID
  2. Maria Muñoz: Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia, Athens, USA.


Loud auditory gestures that are produced by repetitively percussing body parts are rare in primate repertoires and have been mostly observed in captive settings. Gorillas produce two of the most conspicuous long-range signals of this type: chest beating and hand clapping. Here we present the first systematic analysis of chest beating (n = 63) and hand clapping (n = 88) in wild western Gorillas to assess the behavioral contexts in which they emerged, the flexibility of their use, and the age-sex classes that produced them. Data were collected at the Mondika Research Center, Republic of Congo, from a habituated gorilla group during two separate collection periods (June-August 2007; May 2009-June 2010). Our results show that both signals are highly context specific, with chest beating used only during display and/or play and hand clapping used only during vigilance and/or play. Age-sex classes differed in their use and production of these signals in that immature individuals used both signals only when playing, the male only used chest beating when displaying and never hand clapped, and adult females used both signals flexibly in two contexts instead of one. This study confirms previous anecdotal accounts of loud auditory gestures in western Gorillas and adds crucial information on their flexibility across age categories. While chest beating has been described in both gorilla species, hand clapping as a way to communicate potential danger is unique to western Gorillas. Further studies should focus on determining the variations in frequency and use across geographically distant populations.



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MeSH Term

Age Factors
Animal Communication
Gorilla gorilla
Social Behavior

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0chestbeatinghandsignalsclappingusedwesterngorillasgorillatwouseauditorygesturesproducedwildcontextsflexibilityclassescontextand/orplayacrossLoudrepetitivelypercussingbodypartsrareprimaterepertoiresmostlyobservedcaptivesettingsGorillasproduceconspicuouslong-rangetype:presentfirstsystematicanalysisn = 63n = 88assessbehavioralemergedage-sexDatacollectedMondikaResearchCenterRepublicCongohabituatedgroupseparatecollectionperiodsJune-August2007May2009-June2010resultsshowhighlyspecificdisplayvigilanceAge-sexdifferedproductionimmatureindividualsplayingmaledisplayingneverclappedadultfemalesflexiblyinsteadonestudyconfirmspreviousanecdotalaccountsloudaddscrucialinformationagecategoriesdescribedspecieswaycommunicatepotentialdangeruniquestudiesfocusdeterminingvariationsfrequencygeographicallydistantpopulationsGorillaAcousticgestureApecommunicationChestbeatHandclapRhythmicsounds

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