Methamphetamine Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors among Men Who Have Sex With Men in a Mexico-US Border City.

Oralia Loza, Zuleika V Curiel, Oscar Beltran, Rebeca Ramos
Author Information
  1. Oralia Loza: Department of Public Health Sciences, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas. ORCID
  2. Zuleika V Curiel: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, El Paso, Texas.
  3. Oscar Beltran: Programa Compañeros, A.C., Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.
  4. Rebeca Ramos: Alliance of Border Collaboratives, El Paso, Texas.


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Methamphetamine (meth) use and its related risk behaviors for HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) are a public health concern across the Mexico-US border. This study aims to contribute to the limited literature of meth use and sexual risk behaviors among Latino MSM on the Mexico-US border.
METHODS: Data were drawn from the Meth Pilot Study (2014-2015) among men who use meth (n = 100). Descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis comparing MSM to non-MSM were conducted using Pearson's χ test, Fisher's exact tests, and Mann-Whitney U test; all tests were conducted using SPSS v.25.
RESULTS: Most participants obtained meth in El Paso, Texas (87.2%), used meth orally (65.2%) or smoked (78.3%), and the most common reason for initiation was curiosity. Significant differences (P < .05) in meth use behaviors and sexual risk behaviors between MSM and non-MSM who used meth included: median number of sex partners (7 vs 3), being penetrated anally by last sexual partner (31.6% vs 1.4%), and engaging in transactional sex ever (63.2% vs 9.6%) and past 12 months (52.6% vs 6.8%). Finally, rates of HIV positivity were higher among MSM than non-MSM (10.5% vs 1.4%).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Among men who use meth, MSM are engaging in higher HIV risk behaviors compared with non-MSM. Understanding these risks could help identify candidates for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and evidence-based substance use disorder treatment options.
SCIENTIFIC SIGNIFICANCE: This study reveals that Latino MSM who use meth is a high-risk group for HIV and a need for tailored interventions. (Am J Addict 2020;29:111-119).


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  1. R24 DA029989/NIDA NIH HHS
  2. R25 DA026401/NIDA NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Amphetamine-Related Disorders
Cross-Sectional Studies
HIV Infections
Hispanic or Latino
Homosexuality, Male
Illicit Drugs
Middle Aged
Pilot Projects
Unsafe Sex


Illicit Drugs

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0methuseMSMbehaviorsamongvsriskHIVmennon-MSMsexMexico-USsexual2%6%ANDMethamphetamineborderstudyLatinoconductedusingtesttestsused14%engaginghigherMenBACKGROUNDOBJECTIVES:relatedpublichealthconcernacrossaimscontributelimitedliteratureMETHODS:DatadrawnMethPilotStudy2014-2015n = 100DescriptivestatisticsbivariateanalysiscomparingPearson'sχFisher'sexactMann-WhitneyUSPSSv25RESULTS:participantsobtainedElPasoTexas87orally65smoked783%commonreasoninitiationcuriositySignificantdifferencesP <05included:mediannumberpartners73penetratedanallylastpartner31transactionalever639past12months5268%Finallyratespositivity105%DISCUSSIONCONCLUSIONS:AmongcomparedUnderstandingriskshelpidentifycandidatespre-exposureprophylaxisPrEPevidence-basedsubstancedisordertreatmentoptionsSCIENTIFICSIGNIFICANCE:revealshigh-riskgroupneedtailoredinterventionsJAddict202029:111-119UseSexualRiskBehaviorsSexBorderCity

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