A case of combined cranial nerve palsy after general anesthesia.
Chiho Uneda, Toshiyuki Yano, Takashi Imaizumi
Author Information
- Chiho Uneda: Division of Anesthesia, Kumamoto Kinoh Hospital, 6-8-1 Yamamuro, Kita-ku, Kumamoto, 860-8518, Japan.
- Toshiyuki Yano: Division of Anesthesia, Kumamoto Kinoh Hospital, 6-8-1 Yamamuro, Kita-ku, Kumamoto, 860-8518, Japan. yano@juryo.or.jp.
- Takashi Imaizumi: Division of Anesthesia, Kumamoto Kinoh Hospital, 6-8-1 Yamamuro, Kita-ku, Kumamoto, 860-8518, Japan.
No abstract text available.
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