Artificial Intelligence for chemical risk assessment.

Clemens Wittwehr, Paul Blomstedt, John Paul Gosling, Tomi Peltola, Barbara Raffael, Andrea-Nicole Richarz, Marta Sienkiewicz, Paul Whaley, Andrew Worth, Maurice Whelan
Author Information
  1. Clemens Wittwehr: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy.
  2. Paul Blomstedt: Aalto University, Espoo, Finland.
  3. John Paul Gosling: Leeds University, Leeds, UK.
  4. Tomi Peltola: Aalto University, Espoo, Finland.
  5. Barbara Raffael: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy.
  6. Andrea-Nicole Richarz: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy.
  7. Marta Sienkiewicz: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy.
  8. Paul Whaley: Lancaster Environment Centre, University Lancaster, UK.
  9. Andrew Worth: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy.
  10. Maurice Whelan: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy.


As the basis for managing the risks of chemical exposure, the Chemical Risk Assessment (CRA) process can impact a substantial part of the economy, the health of hundreds of millions of people, and the condition of the environment. However, the number of properly assessed chemicals falls short of societal needs due to a lack of experts for evaluation, interference of third party interests, and the sheer volume of potentially relevant information on the chemicals from disparate sources. In order to explore ways in which computational methods may help overcome this discrepancy between the number of chemical risk assessments required on the one hand and the number and adequateness of assessments actually being conducted on the other, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre organised a workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Risk Assessment (AI4CRA). The workshop identified a number of areas where Artificial Intelligence could potentially increase the number and quality of regulatory risk management decisions based on CRA, involving process simulation, supporting evaluation, identifying problems, facilitating collaboration, finding experts, evidence gathering, systematic review, knowledge discovery, and building cognitive models. Although these are interconnected, they are organised and discussed under two main themes: scientific-technical process and social aspects and the decision making process.


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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0numberprocesschemicalriskArtificialIntelligenceChemicalRiskAssessmentCRAchemicalsexpertsevaluationpotentiallyassessmentsorganisedworkshopbasismanagingrisksexposurecanimpactsubstantialparteconomyhealthhundredsmillionspeopleconditionenvironmentHoweverproperlyassessedfallsshortsocietalneedsduelackinterferencethirdpartyinterestssheervolumerelevantinformationdisparatesourcesorderexplorewayscomputationalmethodsmayhelpovercomediscrepancyrequiredonehandadequatenessactuallyconductedEuropeanCommission'sJointResearchCentreAI4CRAidentifiedareasincreasequalityregulatorymanagementdecisionsbasedinvolvingsimulationsupportingidentifyingproblemsfacilitatingcollaborationfindingevidencegatheringsystematicreviewknowledgediscoverybuildingcognitivemodelsAlthoughinterconnecteddiscussedtwomainthemes:scientific-technicalsocialaspectsdecisionmakingassessment

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