Organisational factors affecting performance in delivering influenza vaccination to staff in NHS Acute Hospital Trusts in England: A qualitative study.

Sandra Mounier-Jack, Sadie Bell, Tracey Chantler, Angela Edwards, Jo Yarwood, Douglas Gilbert, Pauline Paterson
Author Information
  1. Sandra Mounier-Jack: Department of Global Health and Development, Faculty of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London WC1H 9SH, UK. Electronic address:
  2. Sadie Bell: Department of Global Health and Development, Faculty of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London WC1H 9SH, UK.
  3. Tracey Chantler: Department of Global Health and Development, Faculty of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London WC1H 9SH, UK.
  4. Angela Edwards: Department of Immunisation and Countermeasures, Public Health England, UK.
  5. Jo Yarwood: Department of Immunisation and Countermeasures, Public Health England, UK.
  6. Douglas Gilbert: NHS England and NHS Improvement, UK.
  7. Pauline Paterson: Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, WC1E 7HT, UK.


Health care workers are a priority group for seasonal influenza vaccination, which is recommended by the World Health Organisation. There is a wide variation in uptake between and within countries. England has achieved 69.5% of health care workers vaccinated overall in 2017/18 across NHS acute and community health care settings, but it varies between Trusts from 50% to over 92.3%. While attitudinal factors have been well researched, there is limited evidence on organisational factors associated with high uptake. In England, most NHS Trusts are now implementing a similar range of interventions as part of their flu programme, and it remains unclear why performance remains so variable. This qualitative study is the first to explore reasons for this variation and provide recommendations for lower performing Trusts on how to improve. Fifty-seven interviews of managers and vaccinators were conducted in nine hospitals with flu vaccination uptake ranging from just over 55% to above 90%. Our study found that while Trusts deployed a wide range of both demand generating and supply interventions to increase uptake, there were marked differences in the organisational and delivery models utilised. Our study suggests that organisational culture was possibly the most important ingredient when trying to differentiate between high and low performing Trusts. We found that a positive culture aimed at fostering continuous improvement and favouring non-coercion on balance yielded more adherence from staff. Where influenza vaccination was embedded in the organisation wellbeing strategy, rather than executed as a siloed seasonal programme, this tended to foster good performance. Improving performance of influenza vaccination in health care workers will involve not only deploying the right interventions, and following "best practices". It will require the adaptation of flu progamme delivery strategies to the organisation context, and embedding vaccination into the organisational culture, thus supporting the normalisation of yearly vaccination.



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MeSH Term

Health Personnel
Immunization Programs
Influenza Vaccines
Influenza, Human
Organizational Culture
State Medicine


Influenza Vaccines

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0vaccinationTrustsHealthcareworkersinfluenzauptakehealthorganisationalperformancestudyNHSfactorsinterventionsflucultureseasonalwidevariationEnglandhighrangeprogrammeremainsqualitativeperformingfounddeliverystafforganisationwillprioritygrouprecommendedWorldOrganisationwithincountriesachieved695%vaccinatedoverall2017/18acrossacutecommunitysettingsvaries50%923%attitudinalwellresearchedlimitedevidenceassociatednowimplementingsimilarpartunclearvariablefirstexplorereasonsproviderecommendationslowerimproveFifty-seveninterviewsmanagersvaccinatorsconductedninehospitalsrangingjust55%90%deployeddemandgeneratingsupplyincreasemarkeddifferencesmodelsutilisedsuggestspossiblyimportantingredienttryingdifferentiatelowpositiveaimedfosteringcontinuousimprovementfavouringnon-coercionbalanceyieldedadherenceembeddedwellbeingstrategyratherexecutedsiloedtendedfostergoodImprovinginvolvedeployingrightfollowing"bestpractices"requireadaptationprogammestrategiescontextembeddingthussupportingnormalisationyearlyOrganisationalaffectingdeliveringAcuteHospitalEngland:personalpolicyHealthcareInfluenzaOperationalresearchPublicVaccinationratesVaccine

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