Urologic Robotic Surgery.

David Mikhail, Joseph Sarcona, Mina Mekhail, Lee Richstone
Author Information
  1. David Mikhail: Lenox Hill Hospital (Northwell Health), 170 E 77th Street, Suite B, New York, NY, 10075. Electronic address: dmikhail2013@gmail.com.
  2. Joseph Sarcona: Lenox Hill Hospital (Northwell Health), 170 E 77th Street, Suite B, New York, NY, 10075.
  3. Mina Mekhail: St. George's University, School of Medicine, PO Box 7, St George's, Grenada, West Indies.
  4. Lee Richstone: Lenox Hill Hospital (Northwell Health), 170 E 77th Street, Suite B, New York, NY, 10075.


Urologists have always been leaders in advancing surgical technology and were the first to utilize modern robotic surgery for robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical proctectomy. Surgeon ergonomics, instrument precision, operative time, and postoperative recovery were all objectively improved. In urology, robotic surgery is now used for all intra-abdominal, retroperitoneal, and pelvic procedures and has been expanded to renal transplants and pediatric use. Modern robotic surgery has become an essential part of treating complex urologic disease in the developed world. Urologists continue to lead the way with the latest robotic surgical systems, including the newly approved single port systems.


MeSH Term

Robotic Surgical Procedures
Urologic Diseases
Urologic Surgical Procedures

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0roboticsurgeryRoboticUrologistssurgicalsystemsalwaysleadersadvancingtechnologyfirstutilizemodernrobotic-assistedlaparoscopicradicalproctectomySurgeonergonomicsinstrumentprecisionoperativetimepostoperativerecoveryobjectivelyimprovedurologynowusedintra-abdominalretroperitonealpelvicproceduresexpandedrenaltransplantspediatricuseModernbecomeessentialparttreatingcomplexurologicdiseasedevelopedworldcontinueleadwaylatestincludingnewlyapprovedsingleportUrologicSurgeryPediatriccystectomypartialnephrectomyprostatectomypyeloplastySingle-port

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