Flagellum-Mediated Mechanosensing and RflP Control Motility State of Pathogenic Escherichia coli.

Leanid Laganenka, María Esteban López, Remy Colin, Victor Sourjik
Author Information
  1. Leanid Laganenka: Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany.
  2. María Esteban López: Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany.
  3. Remy Colin: Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany.
  4. Victor Sourjik: Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany victor.sourjik@synmikro.mpi-marburg.mpg.de. ORCID


Bacterial flagellar motility plays an important role in many processes that occur at surfaces or in hydrogels, including adhesion, biofilm formation, and bacterium-host interactions. Consequently, expression of flagellar genes, as well as genes involved in biofilm formation and virulence, can be regulated by the surface contact. In a few bacterial species, flagella themselves are known to serve as mechanosensors, where an increased load on flagella experienced during surface contact or swimming in viscous media controls gene expression. In this study, we show that gene regulation by motility-dependent mechanosensing is common among pathogenic strains. This regulatory mechanism requires flagellar rotation, and it enables pathogenic to repress flagellar genes at low loads in liquid culture, while activating motility in porous medium (soft agar) or upon surface contact. It also controls several other cellular functions, including metabolism and signaling. The mechanosensing response in pathogenic depends on the negative regulator of motility, RflP (YdiV), which inhibits basal expression of flagellar genes in liquid. While no conditional inhibition of flagellar gene expression in liquid and therefore no upregulation in porous medium was observed in the wild-type commensal or laboratory strains of , mechanosensitive regulation could be recovered by overexpression of RflP in the laboratory strain. We hypothesize that this conditional activation of flagellar genes in pathogenic reflects adaptation to the dual role played by flagella and motility during infection. Flagella and motility are widespread virulence factors among pathogenic bacteria. Motility enhances the initial host colonization, but the flagellum is a major antigen targeted by the host immune system. Here, we demonstrate that pathogenic strains employ a mechanosensory function of the flagellar motor to activate flagellar expression under high loads, while repressing it in liquid culture. We hypothesize that this mechanism allows pathogenic to regulate its motility dependent on the stage of infection, activating flagellar expression upon initial contact with the host epithelium, when motility is beneficial, but reducing it within the host to delay the immune response.



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MeSH Term

Bacterial Proteins
Culture Media
Escherichia coli
Gene Expression Regulation, Bacterial
Mechanotransduction, Cellular


Bacterial Proteins
Culture Media