[Diagnostic efficacy of three test kits for SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid detection].

Lihua Shen, Fei Huang, Xiang Chen, Zuan Xiong, Xiaoyu Yang, Hui Li, Feng Cheng, Jian Guo, Guofu Gong
Author Information
  1. Lihua Shen: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Ezhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Ezhou 436000, Hubei Province, China.
  2. Fei Huang: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Ezhou Central Hospital, Ezhou 436000, Hubei Province, China.
  3. Xiang Chen: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Ezhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Ezhou 436000, Hubei Province, China.
  4. Zuan Xiong: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Egang Hospital, Ezhou 436000, Hubei Province, China.
  5. Xiaoyu Yang: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Ezhou Central Hospital, Ezhou 436000, Hubei Province, China.
  6. Hui Li: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Ezhou Central Hospital, Ezhou 436000, Hubei Province, China.
  7. Feng Cheng: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Ezhou Central Hospital, Ezhou 436000, Hubei Province, China.
  8. Jian Guo: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Ezhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Ezhou 436000, Hubei Province, China.
  9. Guofu Gong: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Ezhou Central Hospital, Ezhou 436000, Hubei Province, China.


OBJECTIVE: To compare the diagnostic efficacy among three RT-PCR test kits for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) nucleic acid detection.
METHODS: The throat swab samples from 40 hospitalized patients clinically diagnosed as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and 16 hospitalized non-COVID-19 patients were recruited. The SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid was detected in throat swab samples with RT-PCR test kits from Sansure Biotech ("Sansure" for short), Jiangsu Bioperfectus Technologies ("Bioperfectus" for short) and BGI Genomics ("BGI" for short). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and Kappa value were analyzed. The viral nucleic acid was extracted from the throat swab samples by one-step cleavage and magnetic bead methods, and the efficacy of two extraction methods was also compared. The results of magnetic bead method for nucleic acid extraction by two different extractors (Sansure Natch CS S12C Fully Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction System vs. Tianlong NP968-C Nucleic Acid Extractor) were also compared.
RESULTS: The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and kappa value were 95.00%, 87.50%, 95.00%, 87.50%and 0.825 for Sansure kit; 90.00%, 87.50%, 94.74%, 77.78%and 0.747 for the Bioperfectus kit, and 82.50%, 81.25%, 91.67%, 65.00%and 0.593 for the BGI kit, respectively. The positive, negative and total coincident rates and kappa value of viral nucleic acid detection results using the samples extracted by one-step cleavage and magnetic bead methods were 95.24%, 100.00%, 96.43%and 0.909, respectively, but the one-step cleavage method took only 25 min, while the magnetic bead method required 180 min. The positive, negative and total coincident rates and kappa value of viral nucleic acid detection results using the samples extracted by the two different nucleic acid extractors were 85.00%, 100.00%, 89.29% and 0.764, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: The detection efficacy for SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid by the Sansure kit is relatively higher and the one-step cleavage method has advantages of convenient operation and less time consuming.


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MeSH Term

Coronavirus Infections
Pneumonia, Viral
RNA, Viral
Reagent Kits, Diagnostic


RNA, Viral
Reagent Kits, Diagnostic

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0nucleicacidvalue00%samples0efficacySARS-CoV-2detectionSansureone-stepcleavagemagneticbeadmethodkittestkitsthroatswabshortpositivenegativeviralextractedmethodstworesultskappa958750%respectivelythreeRT-PCRcoronavirushospitalizedpatientsBioperfectusBGIsensitivityspecificitypredictivePPVNPVextractionalsocompareddifferentextractorsNucleicAcidtotalcoincidentratesusing100minOBJECTIVE:comparediagnosticamongsevereacuterespiratorysyndrome2METHODS:40clinicallydiagnoseddisease2019COVID-1916non-COVID-19recruiteddetectedBiotech"Sansure"JiangsuTechnologies"Bioperfectus"Genomics"BGI"KappaanalyzedNatchCSS12CFullyAutomatedExtractionSystemvsTianlongNP968-CExtractorRESULTS:50%and825909474%7778%and747828125%9167%6500%and59324%9643%and909took25required180858929%764CONCLUSIONS:relativelyhigheradvantagesconvenientoperationlesstimeconsuming[Diagnosticdetection]

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