Advancing Health Literacy Interventions.

Don Nutbeam, Danielle M Muscat
Author Information
  1. Don Nutbeam: Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney, Australia.
  2. Danielle M Muscat: Sydney Health Literacy Lab, Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney, Australia.


The past 25 years has seen extraordinary growth in interest in health literacy among researchers, policy-makers and practitioners. This interest has been underpinned by academic debate about the concept, definition, and measurement of health literacy, and further strengthened by a growing volume of research that has investigated the relationship between health literacy and a wide range of health and social outcomes. A smaller but growing number of studies report on interventions to address the practical challenges of low health literacy in clinical settings - and describe approaches to improving health literacy in different clinical and community populations. This chapter examines the evolution of the concept of health literacy and its practical implications for health literacy interventions. The chapter, then, provides an updated overview of reported interventions and existing strengths and weaknesses. It concludes with recommendations on interventional research that provides practical and implementable solutions which can inform future policy, strategy, and priorities.


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Health Literacy

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0healthliteracyinterventionspracticalinterestconceptgrowingresearchclinicalchapterprovidesHealthpast25yearsseenextraordinarygrowthamongresearcherspolicy-makerspractitionersunderpinnedacademicdebatedefinitionmeasurementstrengthenedvolumeinvestigatedrelationshipwiderangesocialoutcomessmallernumberstudiesreportaddresschallengeslowsettings-describeapproachesimprovingdifferentcommunitypopulationsexaminesevolutionimplicationsupdatedoverviewreportedexistingstrengthsweaknessesconcludesrecommendationsinterventionalimplementablesolutionscaninformfuturepolicystrategyprioritiesAdvancingLiteracyInterventionsassetrisk

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