Implementing Web-Based Therapy in Routine Mental Health Care: Systematic Review of Health Professionals' Perspectives.

Fiona Davies, Heather L Shepherd, Lisa Beatty, Brodie Clark, Phyllis Butow, Joanne Shaw
Author Information
  1. Fiona Davies: Psycho-Oncology Co-operative Research Group, School of Psychology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. ORCID
  2. Heather L Shepherd: Psycho-Oncology Co-operative Research Group, School of Psychology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. ORCID
  3. Lisa Beatty: Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer, College of Medicine & Public Health, Flinders University South Australia, Adelaide, Australia. ORCID
  4. Brodie Clark: Psycho-Oncology Co-operative Research Group, School of Psychology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. ORCID
  5. Phyllis Butow: Psycho-Oncology Co-operative Research Group, School of Psychology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. ORCID
  6. Joanne Shaw: Psycho-Oncology Co-operative Research Group, School of Psychology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. ORCID


BACKGROUND: Web-based therapies hold great promise to increase accessibility and reduce costs of delivering mental health care; however, uptake in routine settings has been low.
OBJECTIVE: Our objective in this review was to summarize what is known about health care professionals' perceptions of the barriers to and facilitators of the implementation of web-based psychological treatments in routine care of adults in health care settings.
METHODS: We searched 5 major databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library) for qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods studies exploring health professionals' views on computer- or internet-based psychological treatment programs. We coded included articles for risk of bias and extracted data using a prepiloted extraction sheet.
RESULTS: We identified 29 eligible articles: 14 qualitative, 11 quantitative, and 4 mixed methods. We identified the following themes: patient factors, health professional factors, the therapeutic relationship, therapy factors, organizational and system factors, and models of care. Health professionals supported web-based therapies only for patients with relatively straightforward, low-risk diagnoses, strong motivation and engagement, high computer literacy and access, and low need for tailored content. They perceived flexibility with timing and location as advantages of web-based therapy, but preferred blended therapy to facilitate rapport and allow active monitoring and follow-up of patients. They emphasized the need for targeted training and organizational support to manage changed workflows. Health professionals were concerned about the confidentiality and security of client data for web-based programs, suggesting that clear and transparent protocols need to be in place to reassure health professionals before they will be willing to refer.
CONCLUSIONS: Without health professionals' support, many people will not access web-based therapies. To increase uptake, it is important to ensure that health professionals receive education, familiarization, and training to support them in incorporating web-based therapies into their practice, and to design systems that support health professionals in this new way of working with patients and addressing their concerns.



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Health Personnel
Mental Health

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0healthcareweb-basedtherapyprofessionalstherapiesfactorsHealthsupportprofessionals'psychologicalpatientsneedincreaseuptakeroutinesettingslowbarriersfacilitatorsimplementationqualitativequantitativeviewsinternet-basedprogramsdataidentifiedprofessionalorganizationalmodelsaccesstrainingwillonlineBACKGROUND:Web-basedholdgreatpromiseaccessibilityreducecostsdeliveringmentalhoweverOBJECTIVE:objectivereviewsummarizeknownperceptionstreatmentsadultsMETHODS:searched5majordatabasesMEDLINEEMBASEPsycINFOCINAHLCochraneLibrarymixed-methodsstudiesexploringcomputer-treatmentcodedincludedarticlesriskbiasextractedusingprepilotedextractionsheetRESULTS:29eligiblearticles:14114mixedmethodsfollowingthemes:patienttherapeuticrelationshipsystemsupportedrelativelystraightforwardlow-riskdiagnosesstrongmotivationengagementhighcomputerliteracytailoredcontentperceivedflexibilitytiminglocationadvantagespreferredblendedfacilitaterapportallowactivemonitoringfollow-upemphasizedtargetedmanagechangedworkflowsconcernedconfidentialitysecurityclientsuggestingcleartransparentprotocolsplacereassurewillingreferCONCLUSIONS:WithoutmanypeopleimportantensurereceiveeducationfamiliarizationincorporatingpracticedesignsystemsnewwayworkingaddressingconcernsTRIALREGISTRATION:PROSPEROCRD42018100869https://tinyurlcom/y5vaoqskImplementingWeb-BasedTherapyRoutineMentalCare:SystematicReviewProfessionals'PerspectivescognitivebehavioralinterventionCBT

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