Xiaowei Zhou, Jie Xu, Ruimin Zhong, Chengbang Ma, Mei Zhou, Zhijian Cao, Xinping Xi, Chris Shaw, Tianbao Chen, Lei Wang, Hang Fai Kwok
Bradykinin (BK) and bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs), which were identified from a diversity of amphibian skin secretions, exerted contractile and relaxing effects on non-vascular and vascular smooth muscle, respectively. Here, we report a novel bradykinin-related peptide with a molecular mass of 1890.2 Da, RVAGPDKPARISGLSPLR, which was isolated and identified from skin secretions, followed by a C-terminal extension sequence VAPQIV. The biosynthetic precursor-encoding cDNA was cloned by the "shotgun" cloning method, and the novel RR-18 was identified and structurally confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Subsequently, the myotropic activity of the synthetic replicate of RR-18 was investigated on the rat bladder, uterus, tail artery and ileum smooth muscle. The peptide was named RR-18 in accordance (R = N-terminal arginine, R = C-terminal arginine, 18 = number of residues). In this study, the synthetic replicates of RR-18 showed no agonist/antagonism of BK-induced rat bladder and uterus smooth muscle contraction. However, it displayed an antagonism of bradykinin-induced rat ileum contraction and arterial smooth muscle relaxation. The EC values of BK for ileum and artery, were 214.7 nM and 18.3 nM, respectively. When the tissue was pretreated with the novel peptide, RR-18, at the maximally effective concentration of bradykinin (1 × 10 M), bradykinin-induced contraction of the ileum and relaxation of the arterial smooth muscle was reduced by 50-60% and 30-40%, respectively. In conclusion, RR-18 represents novel bradykinin antagonising peptide from amphibian skin secretions. It may provide new insight into possible treatment options for chronic pain and chronic inflammation.