Parents' perceptions and concerns about physical activity participation among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.

Susann Arnell, Kajsa Jerlinder, Lars-Olov Lundqvist
Author Information
  1. Susann Arnell: Örebro University, Sweden. ORCID
  2. Kajsa Jerlinder: Örebro University, Sweden. ORCID
  3. Lars-Olov Lundqvist: Örebro University, Sweden. ORCID


LAY ABSTRACT: The parents of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder have a vital and proactive role in encouraging healthy physical activity habits. But promoting healthy physical activity habits in adolescents can be difficult. The purpose of this study was thus to describe the parental perceptions of their adolescent child's participation in physical activity and to describe the parental role in promoting such participation. Twenty-eight parents of adolescents aged 12-16 years with autism spectrum disorder were interviewed. The parents described how challenging participation in physical activities could be for their adolescents. Despite this, they wanted to see their children participate more in physical activity but found the promotion of physical activity to be an overwhelming task that was difficult to cope with on their own. The results reveal a need for support and collaborative efforts among different actors to give these issues increased priority in order to promote the adolescents' physical activity participation.



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MeSH Term

Adaptation, Psychological
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0physicalactivityparticipationadolescentsautismspectrumdisorderparentsrolehealthyhabitspromotingdifficultdescribeparentalperceptionsadolescentamongLAYABSTRACT:vitalproactiveencouragingcanpurposestudythuschild'sTwenty-eightaged12-16 yearsintervieweddescribedchallengingactivitiesDespitewantedseechildrenparticipatefoundpromotionoverwhelmingtaskcoperesultsrevealneedsupportcollaborativeeffortsdifferentactorsgiveissuesincreasedpriorityorderpromoteadolescents'Parents'concernsfamilyparent

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