Understanding the Costs of Surgery: A Bottom-Up Cost Analysis of Both a Hybrid Operating Room and Conventional Operating Room.

Sejal Patel, Melanie Lindenberg, Maroeska M Rovers, Wim H van Harten, Theo J M Ruers, Lieke Poot, Valesca P Retel, Janneke P C Grutters
Author Information
  1. Sejal Patel: Department of Operating Rooms, Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. ORCID
  2. Melanie Lindenberg: Division of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer InstituteAntoni van Leeuwenhoek, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ORCID
  3. Maroeska M Rovers: Department of Operating Rooms, Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  4. Wim H van Harten: Division of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer InstituteAntoni van Leeuwenhoek, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  5. Theo J M Ruers: Department of Surgery, The Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  6. Lieke Poot: Department of Medical Technology, Isala Hospital, Zwolle, The Netherlands.
  7. Valesca P Retel: Division of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer InstituteAntoni van Leeuwenhoek, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  8. Janneke P C Grutters: Department of Operating Rooms, Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. ORCID


BACKGROUND: Over the past decade, many hospitals have adopted hybrid operating rooms (ORs). As resources are limited, these ORs have to prove themselves in adding value. Current estimations on standard OR costs show great variety, while cost analyses of hybrid ORs are lacking. Therefore, this study aims to identify the cost drivers of a conventional and hybrid OR and take a first step in evaluating the added value of the hybrid OR.
METHODS: A comprehensive bottom-up cost analysis was conducted in five Dutch hospitals taking into account: construction, inventory, personnel and overhead costs by means of interviews and hospital specific data. The costs per minute for both ORs were calculated using the utilization rates of the ORs. Cost drivers were identified by sensitivity analyses.
RESULTS: The costs per minute for the conventional OR and the hybrid OR were €9.45 (€8.60-€10.23) and €19.88 (€16.10- €23.07), respectively. Total personnel and total inventory costs had most impact on the conventional OR costs. For the hybrid OR the costs were mostly driven by utilization rate, total inventory and construction costs. The results were incorporated in an open access calculation model to enable adjustment of the input parameters to a specific hospital or country setting.
CONCLUSION: This study estimated a cost of €9.45 (€8.60-€10.23) and €19.88 (€16.10-€23.07) for the conventional and hybrid OR, respectively. The main factors influencing the OR costs are: total inventory costs, total construction costs, utilization rate, and total personnel costs. Our analysis can be used as a basis for future research focusing on evaluating value for money of this promising innovative OR. Furthermore, our results can inform surgeons, and decision and policy-makers in hospitals on the adoption and optimal utilization of new (hybrid) ORs.



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MeSH Term

Costs and Cost Analysis
Hospital Costs
Operating Rooms

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0costsORhybridORstotalcostconventionalinventoryutilizationhospitalsvalueconstructionpersonnelOperatingRoomanalysesstudydriversevaluatinganalysishospitalspecificperminuteCost€945€860-€1023€1988€1607respectivelyrateresultscanCostsBottom-UpHybridBACKGROUND:pastdecademanyadoptedoperatingroomsresourceslimitedproveaddingCurrentestimationsstandardshowgreatvarietylackingThereforeaimsidentifytakefirststepaddedMETHODS:comprehensivebottom-upconductedfiveDutchtakingaccount:overheadmeansinterviewsdatacalculatedusingratesidentifiedsensitivityRESULTS:10-€23TotalimpactmostlydrivenincorporatedopenaccesscalculationmodelenableadjustmentinputparameterscountrysettingCONCLUSION:estimated10-€23mainfactorsinfluencingare:usedbasisfutureresearchfocusingmoneypromisinginnovativeFurthermoreinformsurgeonsdecisionpolicy-makersadoptionoptimalnewUnderstandingSurgery:AnalysisConventionalSurgery

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