Cost-effectiveness of brief structured interventions to discontinue long-term benzodiazepine use: an economic analysis alongside a randomised controlled trial.

Dominic Trépel, Shehzad Ali, Simon Gilbody, Alfonso Leiva, Dean Mcmillan, Ferran Bejarano, Ermengol Sempere, Caterina Vicens
Author Information
  1. Dominic Trépel: School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, D02 PN40, Ireland. ORCID
  2. Shehzad Ali: Mental Health and Additions Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York, UK, Heslington, York,, YO10 5DD, UK.
  3. Simon Gilbody: Mental Health and Additions Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York, UK, Heslington, York,, YO10 5DD, UK.
  4. Alfonso Leiva: Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Palma, Palma, 07120, Spain.
  5. Dean Mcmillan: Mental Health and Additions Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York, UK, Heslington, York,, YO10 5DD, UK.
  6. Ferran Bejarano: Institut Català de la Salut, DAP Camp de Tarragona, Catalunya, Catalunya, Spain. ORCID
  7. Ermengol Sempere: Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública, Paterna Health Care Centre, Valencia, 46010, Spain.
  8. Caterina Vicens: Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Palma, Palma, 07120, Spain. ORCID


In Spain, long-term use of benzodiazepine is prevalent in 7% of the population; however, this longer-term use lacks clinical benefits, costs €90million per year and side-effects further add extra cost through adverse health outcomes. This study aims to estimate the cost-effectiveness of primary care services stepped dose reduction of long-term benzodiazepines using either Structured Interview with Follow-up (SIF) or Without Follow-up (SIW), compared to Treatment as Usual (TAU). Cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted alongside randomised control utilizing data from three arm cluster randomized trial. Primary care. 75 general practitioners were randomised to one of the three arms (TAU, SIW, SIF). Cost and Cost per Quality-Adjusted Life Year (QALY) Compared to usual care, providing SIW per participant costs an additional €117.94 and adding patient follow-up, €218.4. As a result of intervention, participants showed a gain of, on average, for SIW 0.0144 QALY (95% CI -0.0137 to 0.0425) and for SIF 0.0340 QALYs (0.0069 to 0.0612). The Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio was €8190.28/QALY (SIW) and €6423.53/QALY (SIF). At the Spanish reimbursement threshold (€45,000 per QALY) the chance interventions are cost effective is 79.8% for SIW and 97.7% for SIF. Brief structured interventions to discontinue long-term benzodiazepine use represent value for money, particularly with scheduled follow-up appointments, and would represent a cost-effective investment by the Spanish healthcare to reduce prevalence of long-term use.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0long-termSIWSIF0useperCostinterventionsbenzodiazepinecareanalysisrandomisedQALYstructured7%costscostFollow-upTAUCost-effectivenessalongsidethreetrialfollow-upSpanishBriefdiscontinuerepresentSpainprevalentpopulationhoweverlonger-termlacksclinicalbenefits€90millionyearside-effectsaddextraadversehealthoutcomesstudyaimsestimatecost-effectivenessprimaryservicessteppeddosereductionbenzodiazepinesusingeitherStructuredInterviewWithoutcomparedTreatmentUsualconductedcontrolutilizingdataarmclusterrandomizedPrimary75generalpractitionersonearmsQuality-AdjustedLifeYearComparedusualprovidingparticipantadditional€11794addingpatient€2184resultinterventionparticipantsshowedgainaverage014495%CI-0013704250340QALYs00690612IncrementalEffectivenessRatio€819028/QALY€642353/QALYreimbursementthreshold€45000chanceeffective798%97valuemoneyparticularlyscheduledappointmentscost-effectiveinvestmenthealthcarereduceprevalencebriefuse:economiccontrolledBenzodiazepineeffectivenessDiscontinueRandomisedControlTrial

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