Hepatic injury induced by radio frequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices in Wistar rats.

H M Fahmy, F F Mohammed
Author Information
  1. H M Fahmy: Biophysics Department, Faculty of Science, 63526Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. ORCID
  2. F F Mohammed: Pathology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 63526Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.


In this study, the impact of standard 2.45 GHz radio frequency source (averaged whole-body specific absorption rate 0.01 W kg 24 h daily for 40 consecutive days) on the liver of Wistar female rats was investigated. The rats were randomly divided into control and Wi-Fi-exposed groups. At the end of the exposure, liver samples were dissected from rats. Rats' livers were inspected through the evaluation of some oxidative stress parameters and the evaluation of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase levels as well as through the molecular investigation using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Histopathological examination in addition to ultrastructure examination was also performed. The present data revealed that Wi-Fi exposure leads to severe oxidative stress in the rat liver. Furthermore, Wi-Fi exposure resulted in deleterious effects in the liver function and alters its molecular structure. Moreover, severe histological and ultrastructural alterations are reported in the hepatic tissues points to hepatotoxic effects induced by Wi-Fi exposure. In conclusion, care must be taken when using Wi-Fi emitting devices due to their severe impact on the liver. Public awareness of the need to decrease exposure time and increase the distance from Wi-Fi exposure sources must be raised wherever possible.


MeSH Term

Oxidative Stress
Radio Waves
Rats, Wistar
Wireless Technology



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0Wi-FiexposureliverratsoxidativestresssevereimpactradiofrequencyWistarevaluationtransaminasemolecularusingexaminationultrastructureeffectsinducedmustdevicesstudystandard245GHzsourceaveragedwhole-bodyspecificabsorptionrate001Wkg24hdaily40consecutivedaysfemaleinvestigatedrandomlydividedcontrolWi-Fi-exposedgroupsendsamplesdissectedRats'liversinspectedparametersglutamicoxaloaceticglutamic-pyruviclevelswellinvestigationFouriertransforminfraredspectroscopyHistopathologicaladditionalsoperformedpresentdatarevealedleadsratFurthermoreresulteddeleteriousfunctionaltersstructureMoreoverhistologicalultrastructuralalterationsreportedhepatictissuespointshepatotoxicconclusioncaretakenemittingduePublicawarenessneeddecreasetimeincreasedistancesourcesraisedwhereverpossibleHepaticinjurywavesemittedconventionalFTIRLiverapoptosiselectromagneticradiation

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