Life threatening bilateral renal trauma in a child.

Kudzai T Macheka, Daud Athanasius Dube
Author Information
  1. Kudzai T Macheka: Department of Surgery College of Health Sciences Parirenyatwa Hospital University of Zimbabwe Harare Zimbabwe. ORCID
  2. Daud Athanasius Dube: Department of Surgery College of Health Sciences Parirenyatwa Hospital University of Zimbabwe Harare Zimbabwe.


Hematuria in children resulting from trauma should be promptly evaluated. Inappropriate management may result in undesirable consequences. Clinicians should have high index of suspicion for genitourinary injuries in pediatric patients. A case is presented of a boy saved by appropriate management following prompt action resulting from high index of suspicion.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0traumarenalresultingmanagementhighindexsuspicioninjuriespediatricHematuriachildrenpromptlyevaluatedInappropriatemayresultundesirableconsequencesCliniciansgenitourinarypatientscasepresentedboysavedappropriatefollowingpromptactionLifethreateningbilateralchildabdominalkidneyinjurynephrectomy

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