Extracts or Active Components from Acorus gramineus Aiton for Cognitive Function Impairment: Preclinical Evidence and Possible Mechanisms.

Yan Li, Xi-Le Zhang, Yan-Ran Huang, Yan-Yan Zheng, Guo-Qing Zheng, Li-Ping Zhang
Author Information
  1. Yan Li: Department of Neurology, Zhejiang Hospital, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310013, China.
  2. Xi-Le Zhang: Department of Neurology, The Second Affiliated Hospital and Yuying Children's Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China.
  3. Yan-Ran Huang: Department of Neurology, The Second Affiliated Hospital and Yuying Children's Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China.
  4. Yan-Yan Zheng: Department of Neurology, The Second Affiliated Hospital and Yuying Children's Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China.
  5. Guo-Qing Zheng: Department of Neurology, The Second Affiliated Hospital and Yuying Children's Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China. ORCID
  6. Li-Ping Zhang: The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, China. ORCID


Extracts or active components from Acorus gramineus Aiton (EAAGA) have been clinically used for cognition impairment more than hundreds of years and are still used in modern times in China and elsewhere worldwide. Previous studies reported that EAAGA improves cognition impairment in animal models. Here, we conducted a preclinical systematic review to assess the current evidence of EAAGA for cognition impairment. We searched 7 databases up until June 2019. Methodological quality for each included studies was accessed according to the CAMARADES 10-item checklist. The primary outcome measures were neurobehavioral function scores evaluated by the Morris water maze test, electrical Y-maze test, step-down test, radial eight-arm maze test, and step-through test. The secondary outcome measures were mechanisms of EAAGA for cognition function. Finally, 34 studies involving 1431 animals were identified. The quality score of studies range from 1 to 6, and the median was 3.32. Compared with controls, the results of the meta-analysis indicated EAAGA exerted a significant effect in decreasing the escape latency and error times and in increasing the length of time spent in the platform quadrant and the number of platform crossings representing learning ability and memory function (all < 0.01). The possible mechanisms of EAAGA are largely through anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiapoptosis activities, inhibition of neurotoxicity, regulating synaptic plasticity, protecting cerebrovascular, stimulating cholinergic system, and suppressing astrocyte activation. In conclusion, EAAGA exert potential neuroprotective effects in experimental cognition impairment, and EAAGA could be a candidate for cognition impairment treatment and further clinical trials.


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MeSH Term

Cognitive Dysfunction
Neuroprotective Agents
Plant Extracts
Treatment Outcome


Neuroprotective Agents
Plant Extracts

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0EAAGAcognitionimpairmentteststudiesfunctionExtractsAcorusgramineusAitonusedtimesqualityoutcomemeasuresmazemechanismsplatformactivecomponentsclinicallyhundredsyearsstillmodernChinaelsewhereworldwidePreviousreportedimprovesanimalmodelsconductedpreclinicalsystematicreviewassesscurrentevidencesearched7databasesJune2019MethodologicalincludedaccessedaccordingCAMARADES10-itemchecklistprimaryneurobehavioralscoresevaluatedMorriswaterelectricalY-mazestep-downradialeight-armstep-throughsecondaryFinally34involving1431animalsidentifiedscorerange16median332Comparedcontrolsresultsmeta-analysisindicatedexertedsignificanteffectdecreasingescapelatencyerrorincreasinglengthtimespentquadrantnumbercrossingsrepresentinglearningabilitymemory<001possiblelargelyanti-inflammatoryantioxidantantiapoptosisactivitiesinhibitionneurotoxicityregulatingsynapticplasticityprotectingcerebrovascularstimulatingcholinergicsystemsuppressingastrocyteactivationconclusionexertpotentialneuroprotectiveeffectsexperimentalcandidatetreatmentclinicaltrialsActiveComponentsCognitiveFunctionImpairment:PreclinicalEvidencePossibleMechanisms

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