Assessing Colonization of Broiler Herds Ante Mortem and Monitoring Contamination Post Mortem by qPCR.

Gudrun Overesch, Katrin Haas, Peter Kuhnert
Author Information
  1. Gudrun Overesch: Institute of Veterinary Bacteriology, University of Bern, 3012 Bern, Switzerland.
  2. Katrin Haas: Institute of Veterinary Bacteriology, University of Bern, 3012 Bern, Switzerland.
  3. Peter Kuhnert: Institute of Veterinary Bacteriology, University of Bern, 3012 Bern, Switzerland. ORCID


Human campylobacteriosis is the most prevalent zoonosis, with chicken meat contributing substantially to the number of cases. Measures to avoid or at least reduce exposure by meat contaminated with (.) spp. are needed. With regard to the process hygiene criterion introduced in 2018 for spp. on broiler carcasses, we evaluated the performance of a recently developed quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) for on random caecal samples and chicken meat. With the qPCR on pooled caecal samples not only positive (69.6%) versus negative broiler herds (30.4%) were identified, but herds highly colonized with (39.4%) could also be identified. From the chicken meat samples, 8.0% were positive for by qPCR and 0.7% by enumeration (>10 cfu/g) compared to 58.3% using cultural enrichment. Given the higher sensitivity, the qPCR method could replace the currently used enumeration method to assess the process hygiene criterion for spp. on broiler carcasses. Moreover, with the qPCR, a reliable identification of colonized incoming broiler herds a few days before slaughter is feasible, which provides important information to optimize slaughter processes. Finally, identifying and monitoring herds with high colonization rates could help to individually improve biosecurity measures at farm level, eventually reducing the load on chicken meat.



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  1. 4.15.02/Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO), Switzerland

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0meatqPCRchickenbroilerherdssppprocesshygienecriterioncarcassessamplesenumerationcampylobacteriosiscaecalpositive4%identifiedcolonizedmethodslaughterMortemCampylobacterHumanprevalentzoonosiscontributingsubstantiallynumbercasesMeasuresavoidleastreduceexposurecontaminatedneededregardintroduced2018evaluatedperformancerecentlydevelopedquantitativereal-timePCRrandompooled696%versusnegative30highly39also80%07%>10cfu/gcompared583%usingculturalenrichmentGivenhighersensitivityreplacecurrentlyusedassessMoreoverreliableidentificationincomingdaysfeasibleprovidesimportantinformationoptimizeprocessesFinallyidentifyingmonitoringhighcolonizationrateshelpindividuallyimprovebiosecuritymeasuresfarmleveleventuallyreducingloadAssessingColonizationBroilerHerdsAnteMonitoringContaminationPostcolijejunislaughterhouse

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