Major histocompatibility complex B variability in Korean native chicken breeds.

Prabuddha Manjula, Janet E Fulton, Dongwon Seo, Jun Heon Lee
Author Information
  1. Prabuddha Manjula: Division of Animal and Dairy Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea.
  2. Janet E Fulton: Hy-line International, Dallas Center, IA, 50063, USA.
  3. Dongwon Seo: Division of Animal and Dairy Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea.
  4. Jun Heon Lee: Division of Animal and Dairy Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea. Electronic address:


Adaptive genetic variations have direct influences on the fitness traits of the animal. The major histocompatibility complex B (MHC-B) region is responsible for adaptive and innate immune responses in chickens. In native Korean chicken breeds, no information on serologically defined B haplotypes is available. We investigated the MHC-B diversity in 5 restored lines of Korean native chicken and Ogye chicken breeds using a recently described MHC-B single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panel and the MHC-linked LEI0258 variable number of tandem repeat marker. High SNP haplotype diversity was observed in Korean native chicken breeds with an average of 9.7 MHC-B SNP haplotypes per line. The total number of haplotypes ranged from 6 to 12 per line, and population-specific haplotypes ranged from 3 to 4. A total of 41 BSNP haplotypes, including 26 novel population-specific haplotypes and 15 common haplotypes, were reported over all populations. The 15 common haplotypes included 7 novel and 8 previously reported standard haplotypes. Selection and breeding evidence supports the observation of common haplotypes between the Korean native chicken and exotic breeds. Similarly, the LEI0258 marker showed allele variation, between 193 bp and 474 bp having 5 to 8 alleles per population. Some of these alleles (193, 249, 309, and 443 bp) were shared and more frequently observed. Comparison between SNP haplotypes and LEI0258 allele sizes for the same samples showed that some LEI0258 allele sizes correspond to more than one BSNP haplotype. The use of the MHC-B SNP panel greatly enhances the identification of MHC diversity compared with the sole use of the LEI0258 marker in native chicken populations.



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MeSH Term

Genetic Variation
Major Histocompatibility Complex
Republic of Korea

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0haplotypeschickennativeKoreanSNPMHC-BbreedsLEI0258diversityBmarkerhaplotypepercommonallelehistocompatibilitycomplex5panelnumberobserved7linetotalrangedpopulation-specificBSNPnovel15reportedpopulations8showedallelessizesuseMHCAdaptivegeneticvariationsdirectinfluencesfitnesstraitsanimalmajorregionresponsibleadaptiveinnateimmuneresponseschickensinformationserologicallydefinedavailableinvestigatedrestoredlinesOgyeusingrecentlydescribedsingle-nucleotidepolymorphismMHC-linkedvariabletandemrepeatHighaverage96123441including26includedpreviouslystandardSelectionbreedingevidencesupportsobservationexoticSimilarlyvariation193 bp474 bppopulation193249309443 bpsharedfrequentlyComparisonsamplescorrespondonegreatlyenhancesidentificationcomparedsoleMajorvariabilitydiseaseresistance

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