Musharraf Husain: Department of Surgery and Medical Education Unit, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (HIMSR), Jamia Hamdard, Delhi, India. Correspondence to: Dr Musharraf Husain, Professor and Head, Department of Surgery HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, Delhi 110 062, India.
Sabina Khan: Department of Pathology and Medical Education Unit, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (HIMSR), Jamia Hamdard, Delhi, India.
Dinesh Badyal: Department of Pharmacology and Medical Education, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
The term integration has gained importance in Medical education over the last two decade, and is believed to facilitate knowledge, that is more meaningful to clinical practice. A move towards integration in medical education is likely to reduce fragmentation of the medical course and motivate students towards better learning, It aims to improve medical education by bridging the traditional barrier between basic and clinician sciences. Integration is one of the major changes incorporated in the new competency based curriculum for undergraduate medical program in India. There are associated changes in the assessment system too in relation to integration. However, the concept of integration/integrated curriculum lacks significant clarity as how to implement it in medical institutions with added paucity of literature on this important topic. Integrated teaching is the integration of the concepts wherein various subject-based knowledge or aspects of one theme or topic are assimilated to provide the holistic approach. Our review focusses on the need for integration with comparative analysis of the two most important models of integration (Fogarty and Harden) which are being followed, delving on their common features for simplifying this complex topic as well as for better understanding of the concept. We have also proposed six steps for implementation of integration. We conclude that the proposed change from conventional to new integrated curriculum requires robust planning and coordination amongst the various stakeholders in medical institutions.