COVID-2019: Experience of setting up quarantine center.

Rashmi Datta
Author Information
  1. Rashmi Datta: Consultant, Anaesthesiology, Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt, HQ Delhi Area, Delhi, India.


Indians stranded in countries reporting widespread transmission of COVID-19 in Jan to Mar 2020 were evacuated at short notice. Unclear and evolving evidence on COVID-19, risk of transmission of the disease from pre-symptomatic, asymptomatic and known cases of COVID-19 has put the spotlight back on the practice of quarantine. The article describes the processes, inter-sectoral coordination and methodology adopted for putting in place all measures for a successful evacuation and subsequent quarantine of the evacuees at the first Quarantine camp set up in India at Manesar, Gurugram near New Delhi by the Armed Forces. No health care worker or support staff contracted any infection with SARS-Cov-2 during the period of care and contact with those quarantined. The archaic practice of quarantine has yet again proven to be a robust and effective Public Health tool with great relevance in the ongoing Pandemic of COVID-19.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0COVID-19quarantinetransmissionpracticecampcareIndiansstrandedcountriesreportingwidespreadJanMar2020evacuatedshortnoticeUnclearevolvingevidenceriskdiseasepre-symptomaticasymptomaticknowncasesputspotlightbackarticledescribesprocessesinter-sectoralcoordinationmethodologyadoptedputtingplacemeasuressuccessfulevacuationsubsequentevacueesfirstQuarantinesetIndiaManesarGurugramnearNewDelhiArmedForceshealthworkersupportstaffcontractedinfectionSARS-Cov-2periodcontactquarantinedarchaicyetprovenrobusteffectivePublicHealthtoolgreatrelevanceongoingPandemicCOVID-2019:ExperiencesettingcenterSARS-2disinfection

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