Construction of a breeding parent population of Populus tomentosa based on SSR genetic distance analysis.

Zhiqiang Han, Qiang Han, Yufei Xia, Xining Geng, Kang Du, Jun Yang, Xiangyang Kang
Author Information
  1. Zhiqiang Han: The Laboratory of Forestry Genetics, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, 410004, Hunan, China.
  2. Qiang Han: Advanced Innovation Center for Tree Breeding by Molecular Design, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, China.
  3. Yufei Xia: National Engineering Laboratory for Tree Breeding, Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, China.
  4. Xining Geng: Advanced Innovation Center for Tree Breeding by Molecular Design, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, China.
  5. Kang Du: National Engineering Laboratory for Tree Breeding, Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, China.
  6. Jun Yang: National Engineering Laboratory for Tree Breeding, Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, China. ORCID
  7. Xiangyang Kang: Advanced Innovation Center for Tree Breeding by Molecular Design, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, China.


Parent selection is the core of hybrid breeding. The breeding strategy involving the parental identification of superior open-pollinated progeny of Populous tomentosa germplasm resources can significantly improve the efficiency of parental matching. However, due to some factors such as loose powdering time and pollen competitiveness, the offspring derived from open-pollination families which do not undergo completely random mating. Although hybrid combinations based on the male identification method have a high combining ability, this method cannot easily cover the mating combinations of all male and female specimens in the germplasm bank. In addition, the performance of superior plants in open-pollinated families also affects the selection result. If the trait performance value is higher than the population average, then the special combining ability of the reconstructed hybrid combination may be overestimated. Obtaining a solution to the above problems is of great significance for improving the efficiency and accuracy of selecting hybrid parents of P. tomentosa. In this study, 24 pairs of SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) molecular markers were used to analyze the genetic differentiation of P. tomentosa germplasm resources. The results showed that the genetic variation of the P. tomentosa population was derived from individuals within the provenance, indicating that high genetic diversity is preserved in provenances. The correlation analysis showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the special combining ability of planting height and diameter at breast height (dbh) of the 34 full-sib progeny population and the genetic distance between the parents. Then, the genetic distance between 18 female plants with high fertility and 68 male plants with large pollen quantity was analyzed using this correlation. Fifteen female parents and 12 male parents were screened out, and 52 hybrid combinations with high specific combining ability for growth traits were predicted. Furthermore, for the male parent identification of superior individual plants, we constructed the breeding parent population including 10 female parents and 5 male parents, generating 14 hybrid combinations with potentially high combining ability. The results of the hybridization test showed that the specific combining ability of plant height and dbh was significantly higher than the controlled pollination. Moreover, genetic distance and paternal identification can be used to rapidly and efficiently construct hybrid parent combinations and breeding parent populations.


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MeSH Term

Genetic Testing
Genetic Variation
Hybridization, Genetic
Microsatellite Repeats
Plant Breeding

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0hybridgeneticmalecombiningabilityparentsbreedingtomentosacombinationshighpopulationparentidentificationfemaleplantsdistancesuperiorgermplasmPshowedcorrelationheightselectionparentalopen-pollinatedprogenyresourcescansignificantlyefficiencypollenderivedfamiliesmatingbasedmethodperformancehigherspecialSSRusedresultsanalysisdbhspecificParentcorestrategyinvolvingPopulousimprovematchingHoweverduefactorsloosepowderingtimecompetitivenessoffspringopen-pollinationundergocompletelyrandomAlthougheasilycoverspecimensbankadditionalsoaffectsresulttraitvalueaveragereconstructedcombinationmayoverestimatedObtainingsolutionproblemsgreatsignificanceimprovingaccuracyselectingstudy24pairsSimpleSequenceRepeatsmolecularmarkersanalyzedifferentiationvariationindividualswithinprovenanceindicatingdiversitypreservedprovenancessignificantpositiveplantingdiameterbreast34full-sib18fertility68largequantityanalyzedusingFifteen12screened52growthtraitspredictedFurthermoreindividualconstructedincluding105generating14potentiallyhybridizationtestplantcontrolledpollinationMoreoverpaternalrapidlyefficientlyconstructpopulationsConstructionPopulus

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