An integrative atlas of chicken long non-coding genes and their annotations across 25 tissues.

Frédéric Jehl, Kévin Muret, Maria Bernard, Morgane Boutin, Laetitia Lagoutte, Colette Désert, Patrice Dehais, Diane Esquerré, Hervé Acloque, Elisabetta Giuffra, Sarah Djebali, Sylvain Foissac, Thomas Derrien, Frédérique Pitel, Tatiana Zerjal, Christophe Klopp, Sandrine Lagarrigue
Author Information
  1. Frédéric Jehl: PEGASE UMR 1348, INRA, AGROCAMPUS OUEST, 35590, Saint-Gilles, France.
  2. Kévin Muret: PEGASE UMR 1348, INRA, AGROCAMPUS OUEST, 35590, Saint-Gilles, France.
  3. Maria Bernard: SIGENAE Platform, INRA, 31326, Castanet-Tolosan, France.
  4. Morgane Boutin: PEGASE UMR 1348, INRA, AGROCAMPUS OUEST, 35590, Saint-Gilles, France.
  5. Laetitia Lagoutte: PEGASE UMR 1348, INRA, AGROCAMPUS OUEST, 35590, Saint-Gilles, France.
  6. Colette Désert: PEGASE UMR 1348, INRA, AGROCAMPUS OUEST, 35590, Saint-Gilles, France.
  7. Patrice Dehais: SIGENAE Platform, INRA, 31326, Castanet-Tolosan, France.
  8. Diane Esquerré: Genotoul, INRA, US 1426 GeT PlaGe, Castanet-Tolosan, France.
  9. Hervé Acloque: GenPhySE UMR 1388, INRA, INPT, ENVT, Université de Toulouse, 31326, Castanet-Tolosan, France.
  10. Elisabetta Giuffra: GABI UMR 1313, INRA, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, 78350, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
  11. Sarah Djebali: IRSD, Université de Toulouse, INSERM, INRA, ENVT, UPS, Toulouse, France.
  12. Sylvain Foissac: GenPhySE UMR 1388, INRA, INPT, ENVT, Université de Toulouse, 31326, Castanet-Tolosan, France.
  13. Thomas Derrien: IGDR UMR 6290, Univ Rennes, CNRS, 35000, Rennes, France.
  14. Frédérique Pitel: GenPhySE UMR 1388, INRA, INPT, ENVT, Université de Toulouse, 31326, Castanet-Tolosan, France.
  15. Tatiana Zerjal: GABI UMR 1313, INRA, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, 78350, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
  16. Christophe Klopp: SIGENAE Platform, INRA, 31326, Castanet-Tolosan, France.
  17. Sandrine Lagarrigue: PEGASE UMR 1348, INRA, AGROCAMPUS OUEST, 35590, Saint-Gilles, France.


Long non-coding RNAs (LNC) regulate numerous biological processes. In contrast to human, the identification of LNC in farm species, like chicken, is still lacunar. We propose a catalogue of 52,075 chicken genes enriched in LNC ( ), built from the Ensembl reference extended using novel LNC modelled here from 364 RNA-seq and LNC from four public databases. The Ensembl reference grew from 4,643 to 30,084 LNC, of which 59% and 41% with expression ≥ 0.5 and ≥ 1 TPM respectively. Characterization of these LNC relatively to the closest protein coding genes (PCG) revealed that 79% of LNC are in intergenic regions, as in other species. Expression analysis across 25 tissues revealed an enrichment of co-expressed LNC:PCG pairs, suggesting co-regulation and/or co-function. As expected LNC were more tissue-specific than PCG (25% vs. 10%). Similarly to human, 16% of chicken LNC hosted one or more miRNA. We highlighted a new chicken LNC, hosting miR155, conserved in human, highly expressed in immune tissues like miR155, and correlated with immunity-related PCG in both species. Among LNC:PCG pairs tissue-specific in the same tissue, we revealed an enrichment of divergent pairs with the PCG coding transcription factors, as for example LHX5, HXD3 and TBX4, in both human and chicken.


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MeSH Term

Atlases as Topic
Avian Proteins
Computational Biology
Gene Expression Profiling
Gene Expression Regulation
Gene Regulatory Networks
Molecular Sequence Annotation
Organ Specificity
RNA, Long Noncoding
Sequence Analysis, RNA
Tissue Distribution


Avian Proteins
RNA, Long Noncoding

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0LNCchickenhumanPCGspeciesgenesrevealedtissuespairsnon-codinglikeEnsemblreferencecodingacross25enrichmentLNC:PCGtissue-specificmiR155LongRNAsregulatenumerousbiologicalprocessescontrastidentificationfarmstilllacunarproposecatalogue52075enrichedhttp://wwwfragencodeorg/builtextendedusingnovelmodelled364RNA-seqfourpublicdatabasesgrew46433008459%41%expression ≥ 05and ≥ 1TPMrespectivelyCharacterizationrelativelyclosestprotein79%intergenicregionsExpressionanalysisco-expressedsuggestingco-regulationand/orco-functionexpected25%vs10%Similarly16%hostedonemiRNAhighlightednewhostingconservedhighlyexpressedimmunecorrelatedimmunity-relatedAmongtissuedivergenttranscriptionfactorsexampleLHX5HXD3TBX4integrativeatlaslongannotations

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