Prevalence of COVID-19 Diagnostic Output with Chest Computed Tomography: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Temitope Emmanuel Komolafe, John Agbo, Ebenezer Obaloluwa Olaniyi, Kayode Komolafe, Xiaodong Yang
Author Information
  1. Temitope Emmanuel Komolafe: School of Biomedical Engineering(Suzhou), Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China.
  2. John Agbo: CAS Key Laboratory for Brain Function and Disease, Department of Neurobiology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China.
  3. Ebenezer Obaloluwa Olaniyi: Department of Biomedical Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China.
  4. Kayode Komolafe: Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Oye Ekiti, Oye 371104, Nigeria.
  5. Xiaodong Yang: Department of Medical Imaging, Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou 215163, China.


BACKGROUND: The pooled prevalence of chest computed tomography (CT) abnormalities and other detailed analysis related to patients' biodata like gender and different age groups have not been previously described for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), thus necessitating this study. Objectives To perform a meta-analysis to evaluate the diagnostic performance of chest CT, common CT morphological abnormalities, disease prevalence, biodata information, and gender prevalence of patients.
METHODS: Studies were identified by searching PubMed and Science Direct libraries from 1 January 2020 to 30 April 2020. Pooled CT positive rate of COVID-19 and RT-PCR, CT-imaging features, history of exposure, and biodata information were estimated using the quality effect (QE) model.
RESULTS: Out of 36 studies included, the sensitivity was 89% (95% CI: 80-96%) and 98% (95% CI: 90-100%) for chest CT and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), respectively. The pooled prevalence across lesion distribution were 72% (95% CI: 62-80%), 92% (95% CI: 84-97%) for lung lobe, 88% (95% CI: 81-93%) for patients with history of exposure, and 91% (95% CI: 85-96%) for patients with all categories of symptoms. Seventy-six percent (95% CI: 67-83%) had age distribution across four age groups, while the pooled prevalence was higher in the male with 54% (95% CI: 50-57%) and 46% (95% CI: 43-50%) in the female.
CONCLUSIONS: The sensitivity of RT-PCR was higher than chest CT, and disease prevalence appears relatively higher in the elderly and males than children and females, respectively.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.095%CI:prevalenceCTchestagepatientsCOVID-19pooledbiodatadiseaseRT-PCRdistributionhighercomputedtomographyabnormalitiesgendergroupsmeta-analysisinformation2020historyexposuresensitivityrespectivelyacrossBACKGROUND:detailedanalysisrelatedpatients'likedifferentpreviouslydescribedcoronavirus2019thusnecessitatingstudyObjectivesperformevaluatediagnosticperformancecommonmorphologicalMETHODS:StudiesidentifiedsearchingPubMedScienceDirectlibraries1January30AprilPooledpositiverateCT-imagingfeaturesestimatedusingqualityeffectQEmodelRESULTS:36studiesincluded89%80-96%98%90-100%reversetranscription-polymerasechainreactionlesion72%62-80%92%84-97%lunglobe88%81-93%91%85-96%categoriessymptomsSeventy-sixpercent67-83%fourmale54%50-57%46%43-50%femaleCONCLUSIONS:appearsrelativelyelderlymaleschildrenfemalesPrevalenceDiagnosticOutputChestComputedTomography:SystematicReviewMeta-Analysis

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