Comparative Analysis of User Exposure to the Electromagnetic Radiation Emitted by the Fourth and Fifth Generations of Wi-Fi Communication Devices.

Annamaria Sârbu, Simona Miclăuș, Angela Digulescu, Paul Bechet
Author Information
  1. Annamaria Sârbu: Communications, IT and Cyber Defense Department, "Nicolae Bălcescu" Land Forces Academy, 550170 Sibiu, Romania. ORCID
  2. Simona Miclăuș: Communications, IT and Cyber Defense Department, "Nicolae Bălcescu" Land Forces Academy, 550170 Sibiu, Romania. ORCID
  3. Angela Digulescu: Telecommunications and Information Technology Department, "Ferdinand I" Military Technical Academy, 050141 Bucharest, Romania. ORCID
  4. Paul Bechet: Communications, IT and Cyber Defense Department, "Nicolae Bălcescu" Land Forces Academy, 550170 Sibiu, Romania.


A suitable metric to describe human exposure to microwaves emitted by wireless communication devices is still incomplete. By using both theoretical analysis and experimental validation (in controlled and real deployed networks), we analyze and compare the specificity of exposure due to data transmissions in different configurations of fourth and fifth generation wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) standards in the proximity of a mobile device. Measurements made use of the capability of the amplitude probability density incorporated in a real-time spectrum analyzer, proving its agility of highlighting different user exposure profiles. The results are presented comparatively and indicate that, in Wi-Fi networks, the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) should be used together with the duty cycle for an improved exposure assessment. The present work introduces the emitted energy density per bit in describing the user's exposure to Wi-Fi signals and proves its superiority in characterizing the true levels of exposure for the IEEE 802.11n and 802.11ac standards of communication.



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MeSH Term

Electromagnetic Fields
Electromagnetic Radiation
Family Characteristics
Radio Waves

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0exposureWi-Fidensityemittedwirelesscommunicationnetworksdifferentstandardsmobiledeviceamplitudeprobabilitymodulationenergyperbit802suitablemetricdescribehumanmicrowavesdevicesstillincompleteusingtheoreticalanalysisexperimentalvalidationcontrolledrealdeployedanalyzecomparespecificityduedatatransmissionsconfigurationsfourthfifthgenerationfidelityproximityMeasurementsmadeusecapabilityincorporatedreal-timespectrumanalyzerprovingagilityhighlightinguserprofilesresultspresentedcomparativelyindicatecodingschemeMCSusedtogetherdutycycleimprovedassessmentpresentworkintroducesdescribinguser'ssignalsprovessuperioritycharacterizingtruelevelsIEEE11n11acComparativeAnalysisUserExposureElectromagneticRadiationEmittedFourthFifthGenerationsCommunicationDevicesincidentradiofrequency

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