The Impact of an Intraverbal Webbing Procedure on the Emergence of Advanced Intraverbal Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Nouf M Alzrayer
Author Information
  1. Nouf M Alzrayer: Department of Special Education, College of Education, King Saud University, PO Box 266, Riyadh, 11567 Saudi Arabia. ORCID


This study investigates the effects of an intraverbal webbing procedure on the development of divergent and convergent intraverbal responses in 3 children with autism spectrum disorder between the ages of 4 and 7 years using a multiple-probe across-participants design. The participants were taught to list several members of a category (e.g., kitchen item, furniture) with a specific feature (e.g., handle, door) and to respond to fill-in-the-blank statements regarding the function, feature, and class of several item. Probes were conducted frequently to assess the emergence of untrained complex intraverbal responses. The results indicate that the intraverbal webbing procedure is effective for the acquisition of trained verbal responses to fill-in-the-blank statements. In addition, the emergence of convergent and divergent multiply controlled intraverbal responses was observed across untrained categories (e.g., school item, clothes).



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0intraverbalresponseswebbingprocedureegitemIntraverbaldivergentconvergentspectrumdisorderseveralfeaturefill-in-the-blankstatementsemergenceuntrainedEmergenceAutismstudyinvestigateseffectsdevelopment3childrenautismages47yearsusingmultiple-probeacross-participantsdesignparticipantstaughtlistmemberscategorykitchenfurniturespecifichandledoorrespondregardingfunctionclassProbesconductedfrequentlyassesscomplexresultsindicateeffectiveacquisitiontrainedverbaladditionmultiplycontrolledobservedacrosscategoriesschoolclothesImpactWebbingProcedureAdvancedSkillsChildrenSpectrumDisorderDivergentskills

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