COVID-19: challenges and the impact on care in clinical settings in Cameroon.

Etienne Ngeh Ngeh, Christopher Kuaban
Author Information
  1. Etienne Ngeh Ngeh: Research Organisation for Health Education and Rehabilitation-Cameroon (ROHER-CAM).
  2. Christopher Kuaban: Research Organisation for Health Education and Rehabilitation-Cameroon (ROHER-CAM).


COVID-19 is a new disease of pandemic proportions. Since the announcement of the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Cameroon early this year, there has been an increasing number of circulating videos and messages from families about the poor management of their loved ones in clinical care settings. This correspondence highlights the challenges posed by COVID-19 and its impact on clinical care of patients in Cameroon.



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MeSH Term

Delivery of Health Care, Integrated
Medically Underserved Area
Quality of Health Care