A modified SEIR model applied to the data of COVID-19 spread in Saudi Arabia.

Hamdy M Youssef, Najat A Alghamdi, Magdy A Ezzat, Alaa A El-Bary, Ahmed M Shawky
Author Information
  1. Hamdy M Youssef: Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah 21955, Saudi Arabia. ORCID
  2. Najat A Alghamdi: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Science, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah 21955, Saudi Arabia. ORCID
  3. Magdy A Ezzat: Department of Mathematics, College of Science and Arts, Qassim University, Al Bukairiyah, Al Qassim, 52725, Saudi Arabia.
  4. Alaa A El-Bary: Basic and Applied Science Institute, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, P.O. Box 1029, Alexandria, Egypt.
  5. Ahmed M Shawky: Science and Technology Unit (STU), Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah 21955, Saudi Arabia.


The Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) model is an established and appropriate approach in many countries to ascertain the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic. We wished to create a new COVID-19 model to be suitable for patients in any country. In this work, a modified SEIR model was constructed. We used the real data of COVID-19 spread in Saudi Arabia for statistical analyses and complex analyses. The reproduction number and detailed review of stability demonstrated the complexities of our proposed SEIR model. The solution and equilibrium condition were explored based on Jacobian's linearization approach to the proposed SEIR model. The state of equilibrium was demonstrated, and a stability study was conducted in the disease-free environment. The reproduction number was measured sensitively against its internal parameters. Using the Lyapunov principle of equilibrium, the overall consistency of balance of our model was demonstrated. Findings using the SEIR model and observed outcomes due to COVID-19 spread in Saudi Arabia were compared. The modified SEIR model could enable successful analyses of the spread of epidemics such as COVID-19. An "ideal protocol" comprised essential steps to help Saudi Arabia decelerate COVID-19 spread. The most important aspects are to stay at home as much as possible and for infected people to remain in an isolated zone or secure area.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0modelSEIRCOVID-19spreadSaudiArabiamodifiedanalysesdemonstratedequilibriumapproachdatareproductionnumberstabilityproposedSusceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recoveredestablishedappropriatemanycountriesascertaincoronavirusdisease2019epidemicwishedcreatenewsuitablepatientscountryworkconstructedusedrealstatisticalcomplexdetailedreviewcomplexitiessolutionconditionexploredbasedJacobian'slinearizationstatestudyconducteddisease-freeenvironmentmeasuredsensitivelyinternalparametersUsingLyapunovprincipleoverallconsistencybalanceFindingsusingobservedoutcomesduecomparedenablesuccessfulepidemics"idealprotocol"comprisedessentialstepshelpdecelerateimportantaspectsstayhomemuchpossibleinfectedpeopleremainisolatedzonesecureareaapplied

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