The effect of multiple exposures in scenario-based simulation-A mixed study systematic review.

Alette H Svellingen, Margrethe B Søvik, Kari Røykenes, Guttorm Brattebø
Author Information
  1. Alette H Svellingen: Centre of Diaconia and Professional Practice VID Specialized University Oslo Norway. ORCID
  2. Margrethe B Søvik: Faculty of Health Studies VID Specialized University Bergen Norway.
  3. Kari Røykenes: Faculty of Health Studies VID Specialized University Bergen Norway.
  4. Guttorm Brattebø: Department of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Haukeland University Hospital Bergen Norway.


Aims: To examine the use and effects of multiple simulations in nursing education.
Design: A mixed study systematic review. Databases (CINAHL, Medline, PubMed, EMBASE, ERIC, Education source and Science Direct) were searched for studies published until April 2020.
Method: Researchers analysed the articles. Bias risk was evaluated using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme and Cochrane Risk of Bias tool.
Results: In total, 27 studies were included and four themes identified. Students participated in multiple simulation sessions, over weeks to years, which included 1-4 scenarios in various nursing contexts. Simulations were used to prepare for, or partly replace, students' clinical practice. Learning was described in terms of knowledge, competence and confidence.
Conclusion: Multiple scenario-based simulation is a positive intervention that can be implemented in various courses during every academic year to promote nursing students' learning. Further longitudinal research is required, including randomized studies, with transparency regarding study design and instruments.



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MeSH Term

Clinical Competence
Education, Nursing
Students, Nursing

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0multiplenursingstudysimulationmixedsystematicreviewstudieseducationBiasincludedvariousstudents'clinicalcompetencescenario-basedlearningAims:examineuseeffectssimulationsDesign:DatabasesCINAHLMedlinePubMedEMBASEERICEducationsourceScienceDirectsearchedpublishedApril2020Method:ResearchersanalysedarticlesriskevaluatedusingCriticalAppraisalSkillsProgrammeCochraneRisktoolResults:total27fourthemesidentifiedStudentsparticipatedsessionsweeksyears1-4scenarioscontextsSimulationsusedpreparepartlyreplacepracticeLearningdescribedtermsknowledgeconfidenceConclusion:Multiplepositiveinterventioncanimplementedcourseseveryacademicyearpromotelongitudinalresearchrequiredincludingrandomizedtransparencyregardingdesigninstrumentseffectexposuressimulation-Astudentsscenario‐based

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