MRSA colonisation rates on a neonatal and paediatric intensive care unit.

Rebecca Borg, David Pace
Author Information
  1. Rebecca Borg: Department of Paediatrics, Mater Dei Hospital, Msida, Malta. ORCID
  2. David Pace: Department of Paediatrics, Mater Dei Hospital, Msida, Malta.


Methicillin-resistant (MRSA) colonisation is a challenge in healthcare institutions worldwide. In this retrospective nation-wide study, the rates of MRSA colonisation and infection from 2012 to 2015, on the only neonatal and paediatric intensive care unit (NPICU) in the country, were determined. Mean local rates were compared to rates of MRSA colonisation reported in units in North America, Asia and Europe between 2001 and 2010. The average rate of MRSA colonisation on admission to NPICU from 2012 to 2015 was 3.71% (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.17-5.25), while the mean rate of acquired colonisation was 14.60% (95% CI 6.16-23.04). Both were significantly higher than in units abroad: 1.9% and 4.1%, respectively ( = 0.04 and < 0.001). There were no cases of invasive MRSA infection, while the mean rate of non-invasive infection was 0.77% (95% CI 0.54-1.01). Improved adherence to infection control measures and newer molecular diagnostic techniques are needed to further decrease the acquisition of MRSA.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0MRSAcolonisationinfectionrates0neonatalintensivecarerate95%20122015paediatricunitNPICUunitsmeanCI04Methicillin-resistantchallengehealthcareinstitutionsworldwideretrospectivenation-widestudycountrydeterminedMeanlocalcomparedreportedNorthAmericaAsiaEurope20012010averageadmission371%confidenceinterval[CI]217-525acquired1460%616-23significantlyhigherabroad:19%41%respectively=<001casesinvasivenon-invasive77%54-101Improvedadherencecontrolmeasuresnewermoleculardiagnostictechniquesneededdecreaseacquisition

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