FAWMine: An integrated database and analysis platform for fall armyworm genomics.

Pengcheng Yang, Depin Wang, Wei Guo, Le Kang
Author Information
  1. Pengcheng Yang: Beijing Institutes of Life Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China.
  2. Depin Wang: Sino-Danish College, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 101408, China.
  3. Wei Guo: State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China.
  4. Le Kang: Beijing Institutes of Life Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China. ORCID


Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), a native insect species in the Americas, is rapidly becoming a major agricultural pest worldwide and is causing great damage to corn, rice, soybeans, and other crops. To control this pest, scientists have accumulated a great deal of high-throughput data of Fall Armyworm, and nine versions of its genomes and transcriptomes have been published. However, easily accessing and performing integrated analysis of these omics data sets is challenging. Here, we developed the Fall Armyworm Genome Database (FAWMine, to maintain genome sequences, structural and functional annotations, transcriptomes, co-expression, protein interactions, homologs, pathways, and single-nucleotide variations. FAWMine provides a powerful framework that helps users to perform flexible and customized searching, present integrated data sets using diverse visualization methods, output results tables in a range of file formats, analyze candidate gene lists using multiple widgets, and query data available in other InterMine systems. Additionally, stand-alone JBrowse and BLAST services are also established, allowing the users to visualize RNA-Seq data and search genome and annotated gene sequences. Altogether, FAWMine is a useful tool for querying, visualizing, and analyzing compiled data sets rapidly and efficiently. FAWMine will be continually updated to function as a community resource for Fall Armyworm genomics and pest control research.



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  1. KJZD-SW-L07/National Natural Science Foundation of China
  2. IPM2008/The State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents

MeSH Term

Databases, Genetic
Gene Expression Profiling
Genome, Insect
Insect Control
Molecular Sequence Annotation
Pest Control

Links to CNCB-NGDC Resources

Database Commons: DBC007398 (FAWMine)

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0dataarmywormFAWMinepestfallintegratedsetsFallspeciesrapidlygreatcontroltranscriptomesanalysisgenomesequencesusersusinggeneInterMinegenomicsSpodopterafrugiperdanativeinsectAmericasbecomingmajoragriculturalworldwidecausingdamagecornricesoybeanscropsscientistsaccumulateddealhigh-throughputnineversionsgenomespublishedHowevereasilyaccessingperformingomicschallengingdevelopedArmywormGenomeDatabasehttp://15922667243:8080/fawmine/maintainstructuralfunctionalannotationsco-expressionproteininteractionshomologspathwayssingle-nucleotidevariationsprovidespowerfulframeworkhelpsperformflexiblecustomizedsearchingpresentdiversevisualizationmethodsoutputresultstablesrangefileformatsanalyzecandidatelistsmultiplewidgetsqueryavailablesystemsAdditionallystand-aloneJBrowseBLASTservicesalsoestablishedallowingvisualizeRNA-SeqsearchannotatedAltogetherusefultoolqueryingvisualizinganalyzingcompiledefficientlywillcontinuallyupdatedfunctioncommunityresourceresearchFAWMine:databaseplatformwarehouseinvasivepopulationresequencingtranscriptome

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