Chaperone-Mediated Stress Sensing in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Enables Fast Activation and Sustained Response.

Satyajit D Rao, Pratik Datta, Maria Laura Gennaro, Oleg A Igoshin
Author Information
  1. Satyajit D Rao: Department of Bioengineering and Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA. ORCID
  2. Pratik Datta: Public Health Research Institute, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey, USA.
  3. Maria Laura Gennaro: Public Health Research Institute, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey, USA. ORCID
  4. Oleg A Igoshin: Department of Bioengineering and Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA ORCID


Dynamical properties of gene regulatory networks are tuned to ensure bacterial survival. In mycobacteria, the MprAB-σ network responds to the presence of stressors, such as surfactants that cause surface stress. Positive feedback loops in this network were previously predicted to cause hysteresis, i.e., different responses to identical stressor levels for prestressed and unstressed cells. Here, we show that hysteresis does not occur in nonpathogenic but does occur in However, the observed rapid temporal response in is inconsistent with the model predictions. To reconcile these observations, we implement a recently proposed mechanism for stress sensing, namely, the release of MprB from the inhibitory complex with the chaperone DnaK upon the stress exposure. Using modeling and parameter fitting, we demonstrate that this mechanism can accurately describe the experimental observations. Furthermore, we predict perturbations in DnaK expression that can strongly affect dynamical properties. Experiments with these perturbations agree with model predictions, confirming the role of DnaK in fast and sustained response. Gene regulatory networks controlling stress response in mycobacterial species have been linked to persistence switches that enable bacterial dormancy within a host. However, the mechanistic basis of switching and stress sensing is not fully understood. In this paper, combining quantitative experiments and mathematical modeling, we uncover how interactions between two master regulators of stress response-the MprAB two-component system (TCS) and the alternative sigma factor σ-shape the dynamical properties of the surface stress network. The result show hysteresis (history dependence) in the response of the pathogenic bacterium to surface stress and lack of hysteresis in nonpathogenic Furthermore, to resolve the apparent contradiction between the existence of hysteresis and fast activation of the response, we utilize a recently proposed role of chaperone DnaK in stress sensing. These result leads to a novel system-level understanding of bacterial stress response dynamics.



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  1. R01 AI104615/NIAID NIH HHS
  2. UH2 AI122309/NIAID NIH HHS
  3. UH3 AI122309/NIAID NIH HHS
  4. R01 GM096189/NIGMS NIH HHS
  5. R01 HL149450/NHLBI NIH HHS

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0stressresponsehysteresisDnaKpropertiesregulatorybacterialnetworksurfacesensingmodelingnetworkscauseshowoccurnonpathogenicHowevermodelpredictionsobservationsrecentlyproposedmechanismchaperonecanFurthermoreperturbationsdynamicalrolefastmathematicaltwo-componentsigmaresultMycobacteriumtuberculosisDynamicalgenetunedensuresurvivalmycobacteriaMprAB-σrespondspresencestressorssurfactantsPositivefeedbackloopspreviouslypredictediedifferentresponsesidenticalstressorlevelsprestressedunstressedcellsobservedrapidtemporalinconsistentreconcileimplementnamelyreleaseMprBinhibitorycomplexuponexposureUsingparameterfittingdemonstrateaccuratelydescribeexperimentalpredictexpressionstronglyaffectExperimentsagreeconfirmingsustainedGenecontrollingmycobacterialspecieslinkedpersistenceswitchesenabledormancywithinhostmechanisticbasisswitchingfullyunderstoodpapercombiningquantitativeexperimentsuncoverinteractionstwomasterregulatorsresponse-theMprABsystemTCSalternativefactorσ-shapehistorydependencepathogenicbacteriumlackresolveapparentcontradictionexistenceactivationutilizeleadsnovelsystem-levelunderstandingdynamicsChaperone-MediatedStressSensingEnablesFastActivationSustainedResponsechaperonesfactorssystems

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