Initial CT features of COVID-19 predicting clinical category.

Li Fan, Wenqing Le, Qin Zou, Xiuxiu Zhou, Yun Wang, Hao Tang, Jiafa Han, Shiyuan Liu
Author Information
  1. Li Fan: Department of Radiology, Changzheng Hospital, Naval Medical University, No. 415 Fengyang Road, Shanghai, 200003 China.
  2. Wenqing Le: Department of Critical Care, Wuhan Hankou Hospital, Er Qi Side, Road No. 7, Hubei, 430010 China.
  3. Qin Zou: Department of Radiology, Changzheng Hospital, Naval Medical University, No. 415 Fengyang Road, Shanghai, 200003 China.
  4. Xiuxiu Zhou: Department of Radiology, Changzheng Hospital, Naval Medical University, No. 415 Fengyang Road, Shanghai, 200003 China.
  5. Yun Wang: Department of Radiology, Changzheng Hospital, Naval Medical University, No. 415 Fengyang Road, Shanghai, 200003 China.
  6. Hao Tang: Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Changzheng Hospital, Naval Medical University, No. 415 Fengyang Road, Shanghai, 200003 China.
  7. Jiafa Han: Department of Radiology, Wuhan Hankou Hospital, Er Qi Side Road, No. 7, Hubei, 430010 China.
  8. Shiyuan Liu: Department of Radiology, Changzheng Hospital, Naval Medical University, No. 415 Fengyang Road, Shanghai, 200003 China.


PURPOSE: To analyze the initial CT features of different clinical categories of COVID-19.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 86 patients with COVID-19 were analyzed, including the clinical, laboratory and imaging features. The following imaging features were analyzed, the lesion amount, location, density, lung nodule, halo sign, reversed-halo sign, distribution pattern, inner structures and changes of adjacent structures. Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, or Mann-Whitney test was used for the enumeration data. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to draw a regression equation to estimate the likelihood of severe and critical category. The forward conditional method was employed for variable selection.
RESULTS: Significant statistical differences were found in age (���=���0.001) and sex (���=���0.028) between mild and moderate and severe and critical category. No significant difference was found in clinical symptoms and WBC count between the two groups. The majority of cases (91.8%) showed multifocal lesions. The presence of GGO was higher in severe and critical category than in the mild and moderate category. (57.8% vs.31.7%, ���=���0.015). Lymphocyte count was important indicator for the severe and critical category.
CONCLUSION: The initial CT features of the different clinical category overlapped. Combining with laboratory test, especially the lymphocyte count, could help to predict the severity of COVID-19.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s42058-021-00056-4.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0categoryfeaturesclinicalCOVID-19testseverecriticalCT���=���0countinitialdifferentanalyzedlaboratoryimagingsignstructuresregressionfoundmildmoderate8%PURPOSE:analyzecategoriesMATERIALANDMETHODS:total86patientsincludingfollowinglesionamountlocationdensitylungnodulehaloreversed-halodistributionpatterninnerchangesadjacentChi-squareFisher'sexactMann-WhitneyusedenumerationdataBinarylogisticanalysisperformeddrawequationestimatelikelihoodforwardconditionalmethodemployedvariableselectionRESULTS:Significantstatisticaldifferencesage001sex028significantdifferencesymptomsWBCtwogroupsmajoritycases91showedmultifocallesionspresenceGGOhigher57vs317%015LymphocyteimportantindicatorCONCLUSION:overlappedCombiningespeciallylymphocytehelppredictseveritySUPPLEMENTARYINFORMATION:onlineversioncontainssupplementarymaterialavailable101007/s42058-021-00056-4InitialpredictingClinicalImagingfindings

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