Using Real-Time Google Search Interest as a Predictive Tool for COVID-19 Cases in the United States.

Peter E Smith, Jeremy Dublon, Zachary Markley, Madison L Teitzel, Tobias Glister
Author Information
  1. Peter E Smith: Chief of Podiatry, General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital.
  2. Jeremy Dublon: National Capital Region Product Line Chair-Podiatry, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
  3. Zachary Markley: Podiatrist, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
  4. Madison L Teitzel: Orthopedic Technician, General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital.
  5. Tobias Glister: Podiatry Consultant to the Army Surgeon General, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is an ongoing global pandemic with over 23 million associated cases and 800,000 associated deaths. There is a surplus of proposed predictive models (n>145) for COVID-19 that have emerged in academic literature; however, many of these predictive models have proven unreliable or biased.1 Several studies have looked at Google Trends data as a possible predictive tool in the last months.2-12 In this retrospective study, we looked at the predictive value of the Google Trends Tool as it applies to COVID-19 Cases and Reported Onset of Symptoms in the US. We looked back at Google Trends data for search interest of common COVID-19 search terms: "coronavirus" and "covid-19" from January 2020 through mid-June 2020 and compared that data to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data on COVID-19 Cases Reported and Reported Date of Initial Onset of Symptoms.13 Google Trends is a free online tool that allows a user to quantify the search interest for a keyword or phrase over time.14 Significant strong positive correlation was found between CDC Reported Date of Initial Symptoms for Cases data and Search Interest for both terms "covid-19" and "coronavirus." Google Trends is a free and easy to access tool that may have utility as a predictive instrument with regards to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The Google Trends Tool may offer new insight and predictive value for medical decision making during current and future outbreaks in near-real time at a very granular level allowing states, cities and military bases to prepare.

MeSH Term

Internet Use
Predictive Value of Tests
Retrospective Studies
Search Engine
United States

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0GooglepredictiveCOVID-19TrendsdataCasesReportedlookedtoolToolSymptomssearchpandemicassociatedmodelsvalueOnsetinterest"covid-19"2020CDCDateInitialfreetimeSearchInterestmaycurrentSevereAcuteRespiratorySyndromeCoronavirus2SARS-CoV-2ongoingglobal23millioncases800000deathssurplusproposedn>145emergedacademicliteraturehowevermanyprovenunreliablebiased1Severalstudiespossiblelastmonths2-12retrospectivestudyappliesUSbackcommonterms:"coronavirus"Januarymid-JunecomparedCentersDiseaseControl13onlineallowsuserquantifykeywordphrase14Significantstrongpositivecorrelationfoundterms"coronavirus"easyaccessutilityinstrumentregardsoffernewinsightmedicaldecisionmakingfutureoutbreaksnear-realgranularlevelallowingstatescitiesmilitarybasesprepareUsingReal-TimePredictiveUnitedStates

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