Role of a local transcription factor in governing cellular carbon/nitrogen homeostasis in Pseudomonas fluorescens.

Naran Naren, Xue-Xian Zhang
Author Information
  1. Naran Naren: School of Natural and Computational Sciences, Massey University at Albany, Auckland 0745, New Zealand.
  2. Xue-Xian Zhang: School of Natural and Computational Sciences, Massey University at Albany, Auckland 0745, New Zealand.


Autoactivation of two-component systems (TCSs) can increase the sensitivity to signals but inherently cause a delayed response. Here, we describe a unique negative feedback mechanism enabling the global NtrB/NtrC regulator to rapidly respond to nitrogen starvation over the course of histidine utilization (hut) in Pseudomonas fluorescens. NtrBC directly activates transcription of hut genes, but overexpression will produce excess ammonium leading to NtrBC inactivation. To prevent this from occurring, the histidine-responsive repressor HutC fine-tunes ntrBC autoactivation: HutC and NtrC bind to the same operator site in the ntrBC promoter. This newly discovered low-affinity binding site shows little sequence similarity with the consensus sequence that HutC recognizes for substrate-specific induction of hut operons. A combination of genetic and transcriptomic analysis indicated that both ntrBC and hut promoter activities cannot be stably maintained in the ΔhutC background when histidine fluctuates at high concentrations. Moreover, the global carbon regulator CbrA/CbrB is involved in directly activating hut transcription while de-repressing hut translation via the CbrAB-CrcYZ-Crc/Hfq regulatory cascade. Together, our data reveal that the local transcription factor HutC plays a crucial role in governing NtrBC to maintain carbon/nitrogen homeostasis through the complex interactions between two TCSs (NtrBC and CbrAB) at the hut promoter.


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MeSH Term

Bacterial Proteins
Binding Sites
Feedback, Physiological
Gene Expression Regulation, Bacterial
Promoter Regions, Genetic
Pseudomonas fluorescens
Repressor Proteins
Transcription Factors
Transcriptional Activation


Bacterial Proteins
Repressor Proteins
Transcription Factors

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0hutNtrBCtranscriptionHutCntrBCpromoterTCSsglobalregulatorhistidinePseudomonasfluorescensdirectlysitesequencelocalfactorgoverningcarbon/nitrogenhomeostasisAutoactivationtwo-componentsystemscanincreasesensitivitysignalsinherentlycausedelayedresponsedescribeuniquenegativefeedbackmechanismenablingNtrB/NtrCrapidlyrespondnitrogenstarvationcourseutilizationactivatesgenesoverexpressionwillproduceexcessammoniumleadinginactivationpreventoccurringhistidine-responsiverepressorfine-tunesautoactivation:NtrCbindoperatornewlydiscoveredlow-affinitybindingshowslittlesimilarityconsensusrecognizessubstrate-specificinductionoperonscombinationgenetictranscriptomicanalysisindicatedactivitiesstablymaintainedΔhutCbackgroundfluctuateshighconcentrationsMoreovercarbonCbrA/CbrBinvolvedactivatingde-repressingtranslationviaCbrAB-CrcYZ-Crc/HfqregulatorycascadeTogetherdatarevealplayscrucialrolemaintaincomplexinteractionstwoCbrABRolecellular

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