Non-Operative Management of Iatrogenic Intraperitoneal Bladder Injury Following a Cesarean Section.

Saeed N Albukhari, Abdullah Khawaji, Raed A Azhar
Author Information
  1. Saeed N Albukhari: Medicine, College of Medicine, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Jeddah, SAU.
  2. Abdullah Khawaji: Urology, International Medical Centre, Jeddah, SAU.
  3. Raed A Azhar: Urology, International Medical Centre, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SAU.


Iatrogenic bladder injuries with intraperitoneal extravasations are standardly managed surgically. However, we are presenting a case of iatrogenic intraperitoneal bladder injury developing after a cesarean section that was managed successfully by conservative therapy after tapping and pigtail drainage of 14 days. On the next follow up, which was 14 days later, there was a complete resolution with no signs of injury. Therefore, the trial of conservative approach may prove beneficial to minimize the chances of any invasive interventions in such cases.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0bladderinjuryconservativeIatrogenicintraperitonealmanagediatrogeniccesareansection14daystreatmentinjuriesextravasationsstandardlysurgicallyHoweverpresentingcasedevelopingsuccessfullytherapytappingpigtaildrainagenextfollowlatercompleteresolutionsignsThereforetrialapproachmayprovebeneficialminimizechancesinvasiveinterventionscasesNon-OperativeManagementIntraperitonealBladderInjuryFollowingCesareanSectionnonsurgical

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