High-Fidelity Simulation Improves Long-Term Knowledge of Clinical Swallow Evaluation.

Rebecca S Bartlett, Savannah Bruecker, Bobby Eccleston
Author Information
  1. Rebecca S Bartlett: Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.
  2. Savannah Bruecker: Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.
  3. Bobby Eccleston: Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.


Purpose Clinical swallow evaluation (CSE) is a critical skill that speech-language pathologists who manage swallowing impairment must learn. The objective of this mixed-methods study was to determine if using a human patient simulator (HPS) to train speech-language pathology graduate students in CSE improved knowledge, preparedness, and anxiety as compared to traditional instruction alone. Method This was a controlled trial with repeated measures. Participants included graduate students from two cohorts who were enrolled in a swallowing disorders course in consecutive academic years ( = 50). Students in the experimental group participated in a simulation experience in which they performed a CSE on an HPS, generated a treatment plan, and communicated in real time with the HPS, the patient's wife, and a nurse. Quantitative results included quizzes that measured short- and long-term CSE knowledge, and qualitative findings included written feedback from instructors and students. Results Students who participated in simulation training had significantly higher long-term quiz accuracy than the control group, but their short-term quiz scores did not differ. Student ratings of preparedness and anxiety did not differ between the two groups. Many students reported that they appreciated practicing the use of patient-friendly language and preferred clinical simulation over traditional teaching methods. Facilitators reported that simulation increased student engagement and critical thinking skills more than traditional teaching methods. Conclusions CSE simulation provided objective and subjective advantages over traditional teaching methods. Recommendations from students and instructors for improving the CSE simulation training are reported.


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  1. U54 MD012388/NIMHD NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Clinical Competence
Computer Simulation
Educational Measurement
High Fidelity Simulation Training
Speech-Language Pathology

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0CSEsimulationstudentstraditionalHPSincludedreportedteachingmethodsClinicalcriticalspeech-languageswallowingobjectivegraduateknowledgepreparednessanxietytwoStudentsgroupparticipatedlong-terminstructorstrainingquizdifferPurposeswallowevaluationskillpathologistsmanageimpairmentmustlearnmixed-methodsstudydetermineusinghumanpatientsimulatortrainpathologyimprovedcomparedinstructionaloneMethodcontrolledtrialrepeatedmeasuresParticipantscohortsenrolleddisorderscourseconsecutiveacademicyears=50experimentalexperienceperformedgeneratedtreatmentplancommunicatedrealtimepatient'swifenurseQuantitativeresultsquizzesmeasuredshort-qualitativefindingswrittenfeedbackResultssignificantlyhigheraccuracycontrolshort-termscoresStudentratingsgroupsManyappreciatedpracticingusepatient-friendlylanguagepreferredclinicalFacilitatorsincreasedstudentengagementthinkingskillsConclusionsprovidedsubjectiveadvantagesRecommendationsimprovingHigh-FidelitySimulationImprovesLong-TermKnowledgeSwallowEvaluation

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