Physical Sports Activities and Exercise Addiction during Lockdown in the Spanish Population.

Rosendo Berengüí, José María López-Gullón, Salvador Angosto
Author Information
  1. Rosendo Berengüí: Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, Catholic University of Murcia, 30107 Guadalupe, Spain.
  2. José María López-Gullón: Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Murcia, 30720 Santiago de la Ribera, Spain.
  3. Salvador Angosto: Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Murcia, 30720 Santiago de la Ribera, Spain. ORCID


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to the paralysis of the worldwide economy caused by the population's lockdown to stop the virus spreading, making it difficult to do exercise. The aim of this study is to analyse the commitment to and feeling of insecurity related to practising sport, sports habits and the profile of the Spanish population during lockdown according to the level of addiction to exercise. The sample consisted of 1019 subjects with a mean age of 35 years old. The variables analysed were exercise addiction, commitment to and feeling of insecurity related to sport, and sport habits. Three groups were identified according to their addiction level to exercise: asymptomatic ( = 202), symptomatic ( = 756), and at risk of addiction ( = 61). The main results indicated that a higher addiction level was associated with a higher number of days and time spent on exercise per week. Six percent of the subjects were at addiction risk, and they had a lower feeling of insecurity towards sport. These findings provide information to governments on the need to promote physical activity programmes at home to promote adequate fitness and mental wellbeing in the population.



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MeSH Term

Communicable Disease Control

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0addictionexercisesportcommitmentfeelinginsecurityhabitslevel=lockdownrelatedSpanishpopulationaccordingsubjectsriskhigherpromotecoronavirusdisease2019COVID-19pandemicledparalysisworldwideeconomycausedpopulation'sstopvirusspreadingmakingdifficultaimstudyanalysepractisingsportsprofilesampleconsisted1019meanage35yearsoldvariablesanalysedThreegroupsidentifiedexercise:asymptomatic202symptomatic75661mainresultsindicatedassociatednumberdaystimespentperweekSixpercentlowertowardsfindingsprovideinformationgovernmentsneedphysicalactivityprogrammeshomeadequatefitnessmentalwellbeingPhysicalSportsActivitiesExerciseAddictionLockdownPopulationconfinementhealthunsafety

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